Landscape & Irrigation

January 2013

Landscape and Irrigation is read by decision makers throughout the landscape and irrigation markets — including contractors, landscape architects, professional grounds managers, and irrigation and water mgmt companies and reaches the entire spetrum.

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striking foliage.This moderate-growing, deciduous shrub will reach 5 to 6 feet tall spreading somewhat wider. Full to partial shade. USDA Zone 7 - 10. For more information, visit Terra Nova Nurseries Agastache 'Blue Boa' Agastache 'Blue Boa' has luxurious, deep violet-blue flower spikes held over ultra-green foliage. The flower spikes are long, wide and extremely showy. It is a great perennial color spot for summer bloom. Once established, it is droughttolerant and attracts hummingbirds, as well as butterflies. USDA Hardiness Zones 6 - 9. Size (HT/W/FL H): 24"/16"/32". For more information, visit terranova Echinacea 'Leilani' Echinacea 'Leilani' glows with its clear, yellow flowers that bloom from summer to fall. It has a strong upright habit and doesn't require any staking. The flower is great for the middle of the border, in mixed beds, parking strips, fence lines, and it makes a good cut flower. USDA Hardiness Zones 4 - 10. Size (H/W/FL H): 36"/30"/40". For more information, visit 8 Landscape and Irrigation January 2013 Heuchera 'Paprika' Heuchera 'Paprika' has large, warm, glowing cherry-coral foliage. It has very showy orange foliage in the spring and fall, and orange to peach shades the rest of the year. Use for mass plantings, accent, or in containers. USDA Hardiness Zones 4 - 9. Size (H/W/FL H): 8"/16"/12". For more information, visit Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' is part of Terra Nova Nurseries' Popsicle Series. A two-toned beauty topped with flower spikes of red-orange over the creamy-white on the bottom, 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' has the same re-blooming, short grassy leaves and compact habit of the others in the series. USDA Hardiness Zones: 6 - 9. Size (H/W/FL H): 16"/14"/ 20". For more information, visit Penstemon 'Watermelon Taffy' Penstemon 'Watermelon Taffy' is part of Terra Nova Nurseries' Taffy Series. It has watermelon-pink blooms with a white eye.Vigorous and showy, these great bloomers provide flowers for up to 20 weeks. 'Watermelon Taffy' has great crown count and upright, short stems. USDA Hardiness Zones 7 - 9. Size (H/W/FL H): 18"/18"/28". For more information, visit Tesselaar Plants Flower Carpet Pink Splash Pink Splash is the newest addition to the Flower Carpet family of groundcover roses. Flower Carpet Pink Splash, with light-pink petals splattered a fun, hot pink, will be offered initially along the West Coast. Expanded availability nationwide is planned for 2014. Pink Splash (variety name 'Noasplash') is most similar in form and performance to Flower Carpet Pink and Flower Carpet Appleblossom. Flower Carpet Pink Splash provides masses of bi-color (hot pink and pale pink) blooms covering the bush from April/May through to late October. Flower Carpet Pink Splash has rich glossy green foliage, on a bush that is more compact than the original Flower Carpet Pink. Bushes are low growing and compact, with dense foliage. Small to medium flowers 2 to 2-1/2 inches diameter. Grows to 23 to 31 inches tall and 40 inches wide. Will thrive in USDA zones 5 to 10. For more information, visit LI

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