GOLF NOW! Chicago

2013-Premier Destination Guide

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BALMORAL WOODS Annual Home to the Will County Amateur Championship! A "Chicagoland Top 10 Public Golf Facility" located 40 minutes south of Chicago's "Loop" on I-394, Balmoral Woods offers a demanding, superbly conditioned, magnificent round of golf. Situated on 280 acres of densely wooded, rolling hills, this championship track will surely test every aspect of your game. •On-line tee times & mobile web specials •Frequent Player Rewards Program •Practice driving range & putting green •Completely stocked golf shop •Spectacular clubhouse for outings & events •Instruction & club fitting by PGA Professional Bill Abrams Owned and operated by the Mortell family since 1975, Balmoral Woods has hosted many local, state events and tournaments and is home to the prestigious Will County Amateur Championship. Course Tees Yards Rating Slope Blue White Gold 6648 6284 5147 72.8 71.3 70.6 133 129 124 26732 South Balmoral Woods Dr. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-7448 GOLF NOW! Chicago 19

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