GOLF NOW! Chicago

2013-Premier Destination Guide

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MISTWOOD GOLF CLUB S tacked sod-wall bunkers are not the only changes made to the newly renovated Mistwood Golf Club for 2013. From stone bridges to an entirely redesigned hole #3 this course will be a memorable experience. • N ew tee locations allow the course to play over 7000 yards • econstructed bunkers with the finest sand in R the industry • xpanded bent grass around green complexes E • xtensive natural stone to accent the water E features •Updated drainage and irrigation system • eticulously shaped driving range with target M greens • New shor t game practice area • Proud host of the Illinois Women's Open Course Tees Yards Par Tournament Gold Black Blue Red 7040 6836 6639 6249 5244 72 72 72 72 72 Rating Slope 74.1 73.3 72.1 70.1 71.5 144 141 138 133 130 1700 W. Renwick Road Romeoville, IL 60446-5256 United States P: (815) 254-3333 GOLF NOW! Chicago 31

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