Good Fruit Grower

May 1

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PHOTO COURTESY OF CAROL MILES Weed control in a newly planted organic vineyard is difficult and labor intensive but very much needed. clean cultivation, based on results in this study," said Miles. "However, labor efficiency must be taken into consideration. Including a vegetation-free zone using a specialty cultivator can minimize the time needed for in-row hand weeding, while still allowing for good vine shoot growth." Another option would be to use conventional viticulture methods that use synthetic herbicides to control weeds during vine establishment. Once the vines are established, the grower would transition the vineyard to achieve organic certification, a step that requires three years. Growers interested in organic viticulture should realize that weed control during plant establishment is critical and takes effort, she said. "You can't get behind in weed management." The two-year trial ended in 2011. The organic vineyard was damaged during the Thanksgiving freeze of 2010 and has since been removed. WSU no longer supports viticulture research at the research center in Mount Vernon. Miles now focuses on cider and vegetable research. • There are many good reasons for growers to use NU FILM 17® NU FILM 17 has been used as a stickerspreader on apples and tree fruits for over 35 years. During this period, it has demonstrated one very important thing… NU FILM 17® NU FILM 17® Is Consistent & Reliable In Its Performance NU FILM 17 is the best value insurance you can buy to protect expensive pesticides and help them perform properly under various weather conditions. Since it is gentle to the crop, NU FILM 17 has not caused russet or other problems. Others may say they have similar products, but put your trust in those company consultants that recommend NU FILM 17. They are watching out for your bottom line. For additional information or for the phone number of your local Miller representative, call: 800-233-2040 Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Corp. Hanover, PA 17331 ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS GOOD FRUIT GROWER May 1, 2013 33

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