
June 2013

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Kids Special Advertising Section z Sm Sma cla all classll ss sizes sizes! ! ELVISDURAN.COM Summer Program Z104FM.COM June 24 - August 18 For children ages 2 1⁄2 to 10 years For children ages 2 1⁄2 to 10 years Led by highly qualified, Led by highly qualified, trained teachers trained teachers For more info: admissions@ For more info: admissions@ ELVIS DURAN KATIE KRUZ AARON ROGERS 8406 Ellington Way 8406 Ellington Way Middleton, WI 53562 Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 827-MCMS (608) 827-MCMS SAY HELLO TO SUMMER HEALTHY KIDS CAMPS YMCA Healthy Kids Camps are more than just something to do… We create opportunities for kids ages 5-17 to build relationships that last a lifetime! Kids learn new skills, meet new friends and have fun! REGISTER ONLINE NOW! YMCA OF DANE COUNTY, INC. YMCA Child Care 608 664 9622 Lussier Family East YMCA 608 221 1571 Northeast YMCA 608 837 8221 June 2013 Lussier Family West YMCA 608 276 6606 23

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