
August 2013

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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FieldScience 1.THATCH/ORGANIC build-up, June 2012 2.THATCH/ORGANIC build-up, July 2013 (reduced by 1 inch) 3.FRAZE MOWING Patriot bermudagrass 4.GREEN RHIZOMES prepared to re-generate from Celebration bermuda 5.GREEN RHIZOMES exposed from fraze mowing 6.THATCH BUILD-UP removed from Celebration bermudagrass 7.EXPOSED RHIZOMES following clean out via fraze mowing 1. 3. 2. 5. 4. 6. 28 SportsTurf | August 2013 7. lightly verticut one time to stay ahead of the thatch, and is showing little to no wear." Fraze mowing next used when Maryland SoccerPlex Grounds staff cleaned off three fields of Patriot bermudagrass in early June. Because the fields were sprigged only 18 months ago, the processes was intended to transition out the ryegrass and promote a quicker transition to full bermudagrass instead of cleaning out years of thatch and organic build up. The Patriot bermudagrass was 30% out of dormancy when cleaned off, but within 10 days all of the exposed rhizomes were green and responding. A lack of warm weather was again an obstacle for the SoccerPlex fields, but not to the extent of Dallas. See photos 7-9 for results. The three SoccerPlex fields that were cleaned off were 100% bermudagrass immediately. The non-fraze mowed bermudagrass fields still were only 80% bermuda (rye being the other 25%) on July 1. Additionally, the removal of only a thin layer of organic build up on top of the native soil fields now allows water to be absorbed into the soil faster. Following heavy rains, the fraze mowed fields now soaking in rain much faster than before, allow the fields to be used more. Also in June, a golf course fairway of Celebration bermudagrass in North Carolina was fraze mowed to demonstrate the process on active, fully growing bermudagrass. The Celebration had begun to build up a thick thatch layer that needed cleaned out (see photos 10-12). Fraze mowing is a new process to the United States turfgrass market. Yet many intuitive sports turf managers have always

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