
September 2013

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PROFESSIONAL PROFILES | Special Advertising Section DENTAL HEALTH SARAH J. KARLS, DDS JAY HAZEN, DDS A Smile can Change a Life Meet Dr. Jay Hazen and Dr. Sarah J Karls of Dentistry For Madison. From teeth whitening to a complete smile makeover, Dr. Hazen and Dr. Karls specialize in helping people like you rediscover the confidence to smile with the latest smile-enhancing treatments. We offer cosmetic dentistry, one-appointment Cerec crowns, Invisalign, implant reconstruction, conscious sedation and general dentistry visits. Our goal is to help each patient achieve a beautiful smile. 38 brava magazine | september 2013 We are conveniently located downtown just steps from the Capitol on West Washington Avenue. Want to love your smile? Call today for a complimentary consultation. 413 W. Washington Ave., Madison (608) 251-8790

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