
December 2013

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GO+DO HAPPENINGS Eileen Mershart and Rachel Krinsky "A FUND FOR WOMEN CELEBRATES THE STRENGTH AND EFFECTIVENESS OF WOMEN'S COMBINED PHILANTHROPY." — JAN GIETZEL, AFFW Lisa Smith, Shannon Barry and Emily Barnes Kim Donovan and Teri Venker Joanna Cantor, Olena Dawson, Shantiaira Dobbs and Bridget Rogers OCT. 16 | MONONA TERRACE CONVENTION CENTER Inspiring stories of local philanthropists and the women they support made the night at this annual dinner celebrating the 20th anniversary of A Fund for Women. Donations raised at the event will benefit AFFW's mission to create social change and tackle the unique challenges faced by women and girls. 74 BRAVA MAGAZINE | DECEMBER 2013 AN EVENING TOGETHER A FUND FOR WOMEN

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