
December 2013

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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localized dry spots. The wetting agent will allow the water to penetrate into the hydrophobic area causing the dry spot, eliminating the hydrophobic effect. Then, the hygroscopic humectant will prevent the area from drying out again, since it will be continually condensing water vapor into water droplets. Using hygroscopic humectants is an excellent way to reduce overall landscape water use. When applied to large turf or landscape areas and watered into the rootzone, these products will allow plants to more effectively use any water they receive through rainfall and irrigation. When water is applied to the soil, it has one of three fates. First, it can be pulled down by gravity deeper into the soil and eventually added to the ground water. Secondly, it may evaporate and escape the soil back into the atmosphere above the soil. Finally and most favorably, it can be used by the plant. Hygroscopic humectants effectively minimize the loss of soil water to evaporation by condensing the escaping water vapor back into liquid form for the plant to use. In fact, these products have been documented to reduce overall water use by as much as 50%. When seeding, hygroscopic humectants are a valuable tool to optimize seed germination and establishment. When applied over the seed and into the seedbed, these products will reduce the drying effects in between irrigation and rainfall events. Therefore, the seed is able to germinate more rapidly, and then establish and develop due to more favorable moisture conditions. This effect is also experienced in hydroseeding and sprigging. The establishment and maintenance of trees, shrubs and ornaments are an ideal use for hygroscopic humectants. The water capturing capability of these products will allow plants to establish quickly, and survive drought conditions more successfully. The use of hygroscopic humectants in potted plants is especially valuable in reducing watering events from every day during hot, dry periods to every other or every 2 or more days. This application not only saves water, but labor as well. Hygroscopic humectants are a valuable tool for turf managers. Used alone or in combination with other technologies, these products are valuable in reducing overall water use on all parts of the landscape. n Jim Spindler is president of BioPro Technologies; president and owner, Spindler Enterprises; agronomist and partner, Ecologel Solutions; and agronomical and research director, OJ Noer Turfgrass Research Foundation.

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