City Trees

January/ February 2014

City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!

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2013 SMA AWARDS Presented at the Pittsburgh Conference Banquet HONORARY MEMBERSHIP H onorary membership is bestowed upon someone who is not a member of SMA but who has, through their service to our profession or organization, earned our gratitude. This year's honoree was Lisa Ceoffe, city forester for Pittsburgh, PA. During her time as Pittsburgh's first urban forester, Lisa has been a leader within the community and city government, and her accomplishments are many. She also somehow managed to find the time this year to lend her considerable talents to our education committee and conference. APPRECIATION OF CONFERENCE HOST & EDUCATION COMMITTEE CHAIR hensive effort to help this Massachusetts community recover from an ALB infestation d. The Trees Work campaign, a Missouri outreach program to promote urban trees. The co-winners of the 2013 SMA Legacy Project Award were the City of Pittsburgh and Tree Pittsburgh for the development of a new Pittsburgh Urban Forest Master Plan. The project team for this impressive undertaking also included the Davey Resource Group, the Jackson/ Clark Partners, and the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Lab. Financial support was provided by the US Forest Service, the R.K. Mellon Foundation, and the Pittsburgh Shade Tree Commission. AWARD OF ACHIEVEMENT And of course, our conference would not exist were it not for the amazing educational sessions that we all enjoy. Finding topics and speakers that are fresh and relevant to our members is no small task, and the Pittsburgh conference education committee chair, Pam Louks, did a marvelous job. The award of achievement is presented to an SMA member who has shown exceptional commitment to the urban forest resource and/or to the public that we serve. In Pittsburgh, the SMA presented the Award of Achievement to Paul Ries. Paul has many years of experience as a municipal forester, state urban forestry manager, and educator. His name will be familiar to many of you due to his dedicated support of MFI over the years, where he has been a vital part of the teaching cadre. He also oversees the urban forestry curriculum at Oregon State University and wears several hats for the Oregon Department of Forestry. Congratulations, Paul! LEGACY PROJECT OF THE YEAR AWARD OF MERIT This relatively new award recognizes a community, agency, or organization that has raised public awareness of, and appreciation for, urban trees. The project must demonstrate innovation, partnerships, and community engagement. It should also include an ISA Certified Municipal Specialist, and promote and implement best management practices such as interdisciplinary cooperation, low maintenance design, or enhanced biodiversity that enhance the long-term sustainability of the urban forest. SMA congratulated the nominated projects, all of which were inspiring and worthy: The Award of Merit is presented each year to the SMA member who has contributed in an outstanding and meritorious way to the advancement of the SMA's goals, and to advancing the principles, ideals, and practices of municipal arboriculture and urban forestry. Award of Merit recipients are leaders in our profession who also reach people in other disciplines and walks of life. For the November 2013 conference, the SMA recognized Pittsburgh City Forester Lisa Coeffe and Tree Pittsburgh Director of Urban Forestry Matt Erb for their help making the conference such a productive and memorable event. a. US Forest Service, for their partnership with the SMA to create and sustain the SMA Intern Program b. Tree Pittsburgh & the City of Pittsburgh for the development of a new urban forest master plan c. The Worchester Tree Initiative, a compre- 24 This year's Award of Merit honoree epitomizes the qualities that we value. He has several decades of experience as a landscape supervisor, consulting arborist, municipal arborist, educator, and urban forestry leader. He is a long-time member of ISA, SMA, and ASCA, among others. He has served on committees and boards for many professional organizations, and currently serves our profession by serving as a member of NUCFAC. He has been an instrumental part of the MFI teaching cadre for years, and he hosted one of our most memorable SMA conferences in the community from which he recently retired as City Forester. By now you probably City Trees

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