Florida High Tech Corridor


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Volunteer Support The Florida High Tech Corridor Council is sustained by the tireless support of volunteers who are committed to advancing high tech industry throughout the region. During the past year, nearly 540 volunteers – from numerous partners and participants including economic development organizations, school districts, universities, workforce organizations and others – contributed more than 6,125 hours in support of the Council. Total Investment in High Tech Economic Development In order to further the missions of partner organizations and ensure that Corridor funds have the maximum possible impact, the Council regularly matches its partners' FRQWULEXWLRQV'XULQJÀVFDO\HDUWKH Council committed nearly $302,000 in funds to 57 programs and initiatives across the Corridor. As a result of the Council's investments, those projects generated an additional value of almost $525,000 in funding and support that without the Council's initial investment otherwise may not have been realized. During 2013/2014, the Council invested $10.8 million in economic development, research, workforce development, education and support for the region's evolving technology communities. Add to that the $11.4 million in external research matches from our Matching Grants Research Program and $825,000 in additional value realized through initiatives funded by the Council and this year's direct impact totals more than $23 million. Marketing the Corridor The many projects of the Florida High Tech Corridor Council all work to improve national awareness of the 23-county region as a thriving high tech hub. By sharing these programs through targeted marketing programs, The Corridor has seen an increase in regional and national publicity and recognition including a 16-page spread in the September 2013 issue of Florida Trend that called The Corridor a "High Tech Hotbed." The Corridor's presence on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and now LinkedIn allows for direct interaction with business leaders, technologists and economic developers to link to partner websites and LQGHSWKQHZVFRYHUDJH7KURXJKWKHZZZÁRULGDKLJKWHFKFRPZHEVLWH and social media channels, The Corridor has placed an emphasis on recognizing and promoting the region's "Faces of Technology," a program that highlights the researchers, technicians and engineers who have helped grow innovation across the region. The past seven years have more than WHFKQRORJ\SLRQHHUVIHDWXUHGLQWKHDQQXDOPDJD]LQHÁRULGD+,*+ TECH, with corresponding videos posted to The Corridor's YouTube channel. In 2013/2014, the Council leveraged its marketing budget to support initiatives of its partners, including the continuation of a publishing collaboration with the Central Florida Partnership and the Tampa Bay Partnership to produce the regional economic development magazine, Forward Florida. The Corridor continued to be an active participant in many prominent technology trade shows. University, business and economic development leaders represented the region at I/ ITSEC, Photonics West and Bio2014, to name a few. In addition, The Corridor served as the proud title sponsor of the National Academy of Inventors' WKLUGDQQXDOFRQIHUHQFHKHOGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHDWWKHKHDGTXDUWHUVRIWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHV3DWHQWDQG7UDGHPDUN2IÀFHLQ$OH[DQGULD9LUJLQLDLQ0DUFK ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKLVDZDUGZLQQLQJDQQXDOPDJD]LQHÁRULGD+,*+7(&+ The Corridor informs readers of technological advancements across the 23 counties in its monthly eNewsletter, Inside Florida's High Tech Corridor. The eNewsletter is distributed to more than 4,500 readers each month. It was redesigned this year to offer a quick digest of regional high tech news and highlights of partner achievements, maintaining regular updates on research from our Corridor universities, a calendar of upcoming dates from the tech community and spotlights on our current class of Faces of Technology. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for Inside Florida's High Tech Corridor, please send an email to SUHVVURRP#ÁRULGDKLJKWHFKFRP florida.HIGH.TECH 2014

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