Good Fruit Grower

May 1

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I s there better clothing for protection while spraying pesticides? Washington State University's Carol Black is working with the state's tree fruit industry and others to find out. Black, who works on national pes- ticide policy issues as a WSU education specialist, became interested in the cloth- ing aspect when she noticed that pesticide labels of the European Union and Brazil specify that "certified" garments be worn by pesticide applicators. "In Brazil, pesticide applicators wear spray-resistant garments made of a Teflon material that repels or beads off liquid," she said. 26 MAY 1, 2014 GOOD FRUIT GROWER Protective clothing studied A lightweight, Teflon-like material might have potential for protective clothing for pesticide applicators. by Melissa Hansen PHOTO BY MELISSA HANSEN Carol Black demonstrates the water repellency of a certified garment worn in Brazil by pesticide applicators. Labor "There's a hassle factor involved in clothing." —Carol Black 120 N. Naches Avenue Yakima, WA 98901 509.853.3000 1420 Fifth Avenue Suite 3000 Seattle, WA 98101 206.626.6000 Sustained success takes vision and teamwork. At Stokes Lawrence Velikanje Moore & Shore, we see each client's unique vision as the driving force of our legal practice. We have decades of experience working with agricultural clients and deep knowledge of the business and legal issues faced by growers, packers and distributors. Let's reach your goals together. Realizing Your Vision

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