
May 2011

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work to inspire Someone You Should Know: Sue Krug By Diana Henry tower grows too tall and topples over—much to the delight of the boys who let out an excited cheer. Krug can’t help but smile. For the past four and a half years, Krug has volunteered with S Child Development Incorporated on Madison’s south side. A non- profit learning institution for infants to pre-school aged children, the center opens its classrooms to about 45 children each day. “Our mission is to enhance and provide education to children who are disadvantaged so they can excel in their development,” explains Krug. The chance to sit and build block towers or spend one-on-one time with the young learners is time that Krug soaks up. As presi- dent of CDI’s board of directors, Krug spends much of her time on fundraising and recruitment. But seeing the kids in action helps her keep a solid perspective on the business side of CDI. “It’s the light in their eyes that brings it all together and makes that satisfaction even more apparent,” says Krug. “I have always wanted to be a kid. I don’t want to grow up and I never thought I should. But you do, and this is a way to go back to that world of be- ing an innocent child and seeing things with new eyes.” Krug knows what it takes to connect with children, having spent 10 years as an elementary and special education teacher be- fore opening Madison’s famed Ancora Coffee with her husband in 1994, and growing it into the coffee institution it is today. Erica Kauten, a fellow board member, has seen first-hand how Krug takes her passion for children along with her savvy business sense and applies it with CDI. “I’m thoroughly convinced that her leadership has kept the organization going over the last three years,” says Kauten. “She never gets discouraged. She always sees how we [can] continue to grow. It’s really through her enthusiasm and her inspiration that I think the board stays as engaged as they have been.” It’s an engagement with the community that Krug feels passion- ate about continuing. “They are like little rough stones you just want to polish,” she says of the children she sees coming through CDI’s doors. These are children who are going to grow and be a part of our community, she adds. And the opportunity to help shape their fu- tures is a mission Krug is happy to help fulfill. ••• Diana Henry is news anchor for WKOW27. Join her May 18 at 10 p.m. for “Someone You Should Know” featuring Krug. For more information, visit 36 BRAVA Magazine May 2011 ue Krug is sitting on the floor next to three young boys. The youngest is perched on her lap, helping Krug and the other boys construct a tower of wooden blocks. Before long the Photos by Brittney Scharine

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