4 SportsTurf | October 2014 www.sportsturfonline.com
October 2014 | Volume 30 | Number 10
Field Science
8 Environmental conservation: one sports turf manager's story
12 Rolling with the cool kids
16 Renovating Parkview Field in Fort Wayne
Facilities & Operations
20 Crew management: handling your most valuable asset
22 Does going Green save you Green?
28 Snow & ice removal: are you up to the challenge?
30 Sodding a seeded variety gets MLB teams up & running quickly
Irrigation & Drainage
34 Planning for drainage means deciding between native soil and sand-based systems
Tools & equipment
37 Newest products for sports turf managers
Special reports
38 Bobcat Company celebrates its 1 millionth loader coming off the production line
2013 STMa Fields of the Year
42 The Steward School Baseball Field, Richmond, VA
6 From the Sidelines
7 STMA President's Message
19 John Mascaro's Photo Quiz
45 STMA in Action
47 STMA Chapter Contacts
48 Marketplace
49 Advertisers' Index
50 Q&A
On the cover:
The Spartan mascot for The Steward School, Richmond, VA, celebrates the
school's STMA 2013 Field of the Year Award for Schools/Parks Baseball.
Mark Roberts, Athletic Turf and Field Manager for Steward, is a one-man
show for the winners.