
October 2014

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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38 SportsTurf | October 2014 P roducing one million Bobcat loaders is not only an unparalleled industry achievement that has impacted the livelihood of compact equipment users worldwide; it has also touched the lives of thousands more who have designed, built and backed generations of Bobcat loaders for nearly 60 years. Bobcat Company marked this tremendous milestone with a formal ceremony on July 12, sharing the occasion with its valued employees and the community of Gwinner, N.D., home to Bobcat's primary production facility. e company also celebrated with family members of those who invented Bobcat Celebrates Production of One MilliOnth lOader Milestone Series Special Bobcat Company and Doosan North America President Rich Goldsbury addresses the crowd at the Bobcat Company Millionth Loader Celebration. Above Left: The millionth Bobcat skid-steer loader rolls off the line and out of the Gwinner factory. Above Right: Two loaders rolled off the line during the Millionth Loader ceremony: loader number one-million, a skid-steer loader; and loader number one-million-one, a compact track loader version. ALL PhoTos PRoviDeD By BoBCAT CoMPANy Above Left: North Dakota Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley addresses the crowd. Above Right: North Dakota U.s. senator John hoeven.

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