SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.
Issue link: October 2014 | SportsTurf 45 STMA in Action News from the Sports Turf Managers Association O ctober 1 saw the opening of online registration for STMA's 2015 Conference in Denver, CO. The event takes place January 13-16, 2015 and features hours of educational content you won't find anywhere else, including opportunities to get CEU credit from a wide variety of affiliate associations. CEUs will be available through ASBA, GCSAA, IA, NIAAA, NRPA, PGMS, and PLANET. Pesticide recertification credits will only be available for Colorado. Also featured at STMA's annual conference are the trade show, featuring more than 160 companies with the latest technologies and contacts, as well as receptions, an awards banquet, silent/live auctions, career resources, networking opportunities and more. Also, the hard copy conference brochure was mailed out to thousands of STMA members and non-members in late September. As mentioned in the brochure, this year STMA is moving to a largely all-digital registration process. All members are requested to register for the confer- ence at unless your employer requires a hard copy for purchase order (PO) or other administrative purposes; a hard copy registration form will be made available online to those who require it. STMA looks forward to seeing you in Denver January 13-16, 2015! ■ October brings open registration, brochures, deadlines & more! For more on the latest news, please visit and T he knowledge, skills, abilities and best practices members encounter by networking with other professionals in the association only enhances their organizations. Additionally, STMA's advocacy with groups such as athletic directors, parks and recreation directors, coaches, and parents reduces risk for the facility by providing safer playing surfaces. Time and again, the knowledge and skills unique to STMA and its members have benefitted facilities—and their bottom lines— nationwide. Some examples: Field Safety. One of STMA's chief mandates is ensuring members are well-versed in field safety: from professional stadiums to school districts, the association has members and educational resources stand- ing ready to ensure your athletes are playing at the top of their game on the best fields possible. Our resources cover every type of field for virtually every sport. Risk Management. By ensuring you have an STMA member on-staff well-versed in safety issues, you are likely to see your insurance premiums lowered, including liability insurance. Proactively protecting your assets with a sports turf manager is key. Environmental Stewardship. Are your grounds crew members versed in proper environmental management techniques inclusive of waste reduction strategies, LEED certification, and pesticide run-off mitigation? STMA members possess a wealth of knowledge on these best practices to protect your players and the environment. Industry-wide Best Practices. As the recognized association leader in the sports turf industry for more than 30 years, STMA provides members valuable tools and resources to save them time and money. Members can easily tap into a nationwide network of managers who readily share their best practices and advice. Don't have an STMA member on staff? STMA offers a free job posting service for employers. Simply send the position description or ad to and it will be posted for the association's 2,600+ members to see. Improve your value through certification STMA offers its members the opportunity to take their profes- sionalism, and their value to their facilities, to the next level with the Certified Sports Field Manager (CSFM) certification program. The CSFM program focuses on increased accountability for sports turf managers, as well as a dedication to cost effective facility management and field safety. The examination for certification covers four major areas of sports field management: Agronomics Pest Management Administration Sports Specific Field Management "I'm sure most sports facilities are like our company, and receive dozens of résumés for positions. Those who are certified rise to the Become an STMA Member and raise your game Join STMA as a new member* and get conference registration free. If you are not an STMA national member, you are eligible to receive a free conference regis- tration to be used within three (3) years of joining STMA! This is an excellent way to experience conference education, peer–to–peer networking and access to the latest technology – the top three rea- sons members join STMA. Go online at for more information. Be sure to note if someone referred you so they get recognized. *Must not have been a national member since 2000. Academic, affiliate and student memberships are not eligible. It's a Perfect Time to Take Advantage of STMA's New Member Promotion!