Equipment World

2014 Spec Guide

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Excavators/Shovels WHY DOES JEFF LEMIRE FEEL CONFIDENT WITH THE LOW-PROFILE TELESCOPING GRADALL BOOM? "I CAN SEE ALL OF IT, ALL THE TIME." The low-profile telescoping boom can work under bridges and trees and in tunnels where knuckle booms will never fit. But for some safety-minded operators, the real advantage is that you can see the entire boom during the entire dig cycle – something that's simply not possible with conventional excavators. Also, not only does the full tilting boom place attachments for optimum productivity, the geometry of the boom delivers full power during the entire dig cycle – another productivity advantage over knuckle booms. And another reason to try the only excavator made only in America. VIDEO: See a side-by-side comparison of boom power through the entire digging cycle. WWW.GRADALL.COM/BOOM | 330-339-2211 Text INFO to 205-289-3715 or visit

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