
Vol. 1 2015

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1 4 | BULLDOG | 2 0 1 5 V 1 Y ou're on a Pennsylvania highway, wheel-to-wheel with muddy, salt- crusted trucks. And then, a pristine, gleaming red Mack ® dump truck bursts into view. If you're from the Keystone State, then you know you've just spotted one of the Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc. trucks. 7KHƅHHWpVWUDGHPDUNFOHDQOLQHVVLVXQXVXDO in the gritty heavy construction business, and it's an integral part of the company's brand- ing. But more than that, the trucks are a shin- ing representation of everything the family-owned business stands for: pride, LQWHJULW\DQGHIƄFLHQF\3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2 Dan Hawbaker expects the best from his company, and that expectation has fueled six decades of continued growth. GOH was founded in 1952 by Hawbaker's parents, Glenn O. and Thelma Hawbaker. They started out with a half-dozen employ- ees, a few dump trucks, a track loader and a tag-along trailer. The small excavation com- pany drew well below $1 million in revenue, but the wheels had been set in motion, and the gains grew rapidly. Today, Dan Hawbaker continues the family legacy by running the company with his sons, H[HFXWLYHYLFHSUHVLGHQWV0LFKDHODQG3DWULFN Hawbaker. They began working in the busi- ness early and by the time they were 11 they were sweeping the shop and washing the WUXFNV(YHQWXDOO\WKH\MRLQHGWKHPHQZKR were laying pipe in the ditches. Michael and 3DWULFNFUHGLWWKHLUIDWKHUZLWKQRWRQO\WHDFK ing them about the family business but also how to treat the men and women they lead. "There are no amateurs within the ranks," Michael Hawbaker says. "My brother and I believe that every employee serves a critical function, and we respect them for the profes- sionals they are." The strong work ethic continues through the generations as the company expands. GOH has transitioned to heavy construction, offering an assortment of services including asphalt paving, road and bridge construction and rehabilitation, site excavation, gas well service and construction, and engineering design. GOH employs 1,200 people and has annual revenue of more than $250 million. This is not just a testimony to hard work and dedication: It's also a generational suc- cess story, and the senior Hawbaker's pride is evident, even as he downplays the metamorphosis from mom-and-pop shop to a big-time corporate power. "The thing about it is, that's 60-something years later," Hawbaker says, chuckling. q:HpYHEHHQH[WUHPHO\IRUWXQDWHLQƄQGLQJ people who want to follow our family philoso- SK\,WWDNHVDVLJQLƄFDQWOHYHORILQWHJULW\WR make sure everybody stays on the same page." The company operates 24 quarries and 8 DVSKDOWSODQWVLQ3HQQV\OYDQLDVRXWKHUQ1HZ York and eastern Ohio. Its customers include WKH3HQQV\OYDQLD'HSDUWPHQWRI 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ3HQQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\DQGD lengthy roster of municipalities, colleges and corporate entities. GOH's larger projects run up to $60 million and include everything from working on interstates to renovating the run- ZD\DW8QLYHUVLW\3DUN$LUSRUWLQ6WDWH &ROOHJH3DDQGSHUIRUPLQJWKHVLWHZRUN DQGH[FDYDWLRQIRU3HQQ6WDWHpVPLOOLRQ 3HJXOD,FH$UHQD But with success comes challenges. Several years ago, budget cuts to 3HQQV\OYDQLDpV'HSDUWPHQWRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ resulted in a 30 percent decrease in the com- pany revenue. Dan Hawbaker took it in stride, nimbly navi- JDWLQJWKHWLGDOFKDQJHVZLWKDSXVKWRƄQG new customers, particularly in the energy ƄHOG7KHWLPLQJZDVULJKWDQGKLVLQVWLQFWV ZHUHVSRWRQ1DWXUDOJDVZDVWKHSODFHWR be, and there was a mad rush for companies to tap into the lucrative Marcellus Shale, which stretches 104,000 square miles across WKH$SSDODFKLDQ%DVLQLQWR3HQQV\OYDQLD West Virginia, southeast Ohio and upstate 1HZ

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