Good Fruit Grower

April 1

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Page 22 of 55 GOOD FRUIT GROWER APRIL 1, 2015 23 = 35% ET fruit set to harvest How defi cit irrigation affects vine productivity Pre-veraison deficit irrigation had smaller berries and less dense canopy, without negatively impacting yields. RDI-Trial 1 (2008-2010) = 35% ET fruit set to veraison; 70% ET veraison to harvest = 70% ET fruit set to veraison; 35% ET veraison to harvest = 70% ET fruit set to harvest 2 4 1.0 0.5 40 80 0.50 0.25 10 20 RDI-Trial 2 (2011-2014) A B C D E F G H A B C D = 25% ET fruit set to harvest = 25% ET fruit set to veraison; 100% ET veraison to harvest = 70% ET fruit set to harvest = 100% ET fruit set to harvest E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H 2 4 1.0 0.5 40 80 0.50 0.25 10 20 YIELD (tons/acre) BERRY WEIGHT (g) CLUSTERS/VINE PRUNING WEIGHT (kg/m) CANE WEIGHT (g) Irrigation treatment: % ET (evapotranspiration) 2.5 3.2 3.8 3.9 2.4 4.0 4.8 4.1 .80 .83 .91 .94 .85 .90 1.01 .94 63 69 72 71 48 61 73 66 .31 .38 .41 .39 .25 .46 .50 .61 17 18 20 20 13 24 23 26 SOURCE: DR. MARKUS KELLER, WSU With RDI, plant water deficits are caused by letting the soil moisture drop below full grapevine evapotranspiration after bloom. Water is then carefully applied during the defi cit window, usually after fruit set to veraison or harvest. Evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporation of water from the soil surface and transpiration of water through the plant's leaves, and together, represent the crop's water use. RDI involves understanding evapotranspiration (ET) rates and crop coeffi cients of the vine, monitoring soil moisture, and tailoring plant stress to individual vineyards. WSU's AgWeatherNet service can help growers schedule irrigation based on ET and predicted weather. Keller, in cooperation with WSU enologist Dr. James Harbertson and Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, completed six years of research in 2014 that studied the timing of more severe defi cit irrigation regimes than the current industry standard. Many growers apply about 60 to 70 percent of ET between fruit set and harvest. © 2015, Trécé Inc., Adair, OK USA • TRECE, PHEROCON and CIDETRAK are registered trademarks of Trece, Inc., Adair, OK USA TRE-0691, 1/15 PLEASE: ALWAYS READ THE LABEL 32 MESOS/ACRE = SUPERIOR MATING DISRUPTION The ONLY Mating Disruption System for both MALE… and FEMALE Codling Moth INSEC T PHEROMONE & KAIROMONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ® Your Edge – And Ours – Is Knowledge. CIDETRAK ® CMDA COMBO ™ MESO ™ contains a unique combination of Codling Moth pheromone AND a patented male AND female behavior modifying kairomone called DA. Designed to deliver long-lasting performance with remarkably fast application at 32 MESOS/ACRE. • What it does: Disrupts oviposition, reduces mating, maintains higher virginity and lowers damage. • How to use it: Ready-to-use package, ready-to-hang dispensers. • Longevity: Long-lasting full season performance. CIDETRAK ® CMDA COMBO ™ MESO ™ dispenser in use at 32 MESOS/ACRE. T R E C E T E C H N O L O G Y ´ ´ WSDA ORGANICALLY APPROVED! Contact your local supplier and order now. Visit our website: or call 1- 866 -785-1313.

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