Fuel Oil News

Fuel Oil News April 2015

The home heating oil industry has a long and proud history, and Fuel Oil News has been there supporting it since 1935. It is an industry that has faced many challenges during that time. In its 77th year, Fuel Oil News is doing more than just holding

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Keystone XL Vetoed President Obama issued his first veto since 2010, and only his third since he has been in office, when he killed legislation authorizing the Keystone XL pipeline was brought to his desk on Feb. 24. The bill passed with some degree of biparti- san support—270-152 in the House and 62-36 in the Senate. The numbers were lacking to override the veto. Obama stated: "The Presidential power to veto legislation is one I take seriously. But I also take seriously my responsibility to the American people. And because this act of Congress con- flicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short thorough consideration of issues that could bear on our national interest—including our security, safety and environment—it has earned my veto." The president was referencing the fact that the legislation was put on his desk before a State Department review of the pipeline had been completed. Opponents readily point out that the ongoing review by the current admin- istration's State Department has gone on for over six years, and appears to be functioning as a delaying tactic. The news received a mixed response, with environmental activists being pleased, while labor unions and the oil industry expressed frustration. "This misguided Keystone XL bill, pushed by the fossil fuel industry, has met its just and expected doom," said Rhea Suh, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. "The president got it exactly right by vetoing it. Congress should stop wasting any more time pushing dirty energy projects that would worsen climate change and threaten our air, water and land. Instead, lawmakers should work to promote renewable wind and solar power, and reduce waste through energy efficiency measures that will save con- sumers money, improve the economy and combat dangerous climate change." "Given that the Administration has done everything it can to delay and block the creation of good construction careers on the Keystone XL Pipeline, the veto can be described with two words: dis- gustingly predictable," noted Laborers' International Union of North America General President Terry O'Sullivan. API President and CEO Jack Gerard criticized the president's veto of the bipartisan Keystone XL legislation. "We urge President Obama to look at his administration's State Department review of KXL and see that the facts and the science back approval of this pipe- line," said Gerard. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, the Republican leadership in the House and Senate, offered their response as to what's next in an Op-Ed: "The allure of appeasing environmental extremists may be too powerful for the president to ignore. But the president is sadly mis- taken if he thinks vetoing this bill will end this fight. Far from it. We are just getting started." oiLheat MeMbers ConCerned With FueL- sWitChing ProVision PMAA, NEFI and a number of oilheat state associations sent a letter to the Obama Administration highlighting their con- cerns with language in the Health and Human Services proposed FY 2016 LIHEAP that promotes "fuel switching." As highlighted in the letter, PMAA will be pressing members of Congress and the Obama Administration to work with the industry and not against it. Additionally, the House Appro- priations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies held a hearing on the HHS budget. Congressman Dent (R-PA) asked a question on heating oil dealers' behalf to HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell. Mr. Dent asked: "Given the low cost of crude oil which has translated into heating oil prices being on par with and sometimes lower than the equiva- lent natural gas price, why would HHS be using valuable LIHEAP program dol- lars to switch recipient's fuel systems at cost of $10,000 on average, when there is no real need given the current price of fuel oil? Current LIHEAP funds could go to help consumers make simple, cost effective upgrades that immediately reduces emissions and saves them on their monthly bills to help pay for the fuel they are currently using. Do you really think it's appropriate for HHS to use LIHEAP rules to discriminate against homeowners based on the fuel they use at this time?" Burwell responded that she was not aware of the fuel switching issue but that HHS would look into it. PMAA as well as Congressman Dent's office will be fol- lowing up with HHS in the near future. Offered below is the letter: Dear Mr. President: The undersigned organizations rep- resent the nation's mostly small busi- ness home heating oil and Bioheat® dealers, appliance manufacturers and hardworking service techni- cians. We write in response to your Fiscal Year 2016 Budget request for the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) sub- mitted to Congress on February 2, 2015. Specifically, we are concerned with your proposal that a portion of www.fueloilnews.com | FueL oiL neWs | aPriL 2015 3 DATELINE • Keystone XL Vetoed • Oilheat Members Concerned With Fuel-Switching Provision FUELS/EIA - pg 12 • EIA: Reduction in Sulfur Has Only Minor Effect on Energy • Longterm Industry Rep Randy Kayser Passes • Scully Announces New Five Year Sensor Warranty • ATEK Access Technologies Launches All-In-One Tankscan Monitor BUSINESS OpErATIONS - pg 22 • Berks-Schuylkill Oil Heat Association Donates $5,350 to the Salvation Army • SBA, Credit Unions Aim to Solve Entrepreneurial Credit Crunch HVAC/HyDrONICS - pg 27 • ASHRAE/IES Publish Updated Standard on Energy Efficiency • AHRI Releases Q4 2014 Heating and Cooling Equipment Shipment Data Featured News DateliNe BREAKINg NEWS

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