Fuel Oil News

Fuel Oil News April 2015

The home heating oil industry has a long and proud history, and Fuel Oil News has been there supporting it since 1935. It is an industry that has faced many challenges during that time. In its 77th year, Fuel Oil News is doing more than just holding

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Business OPeRATiOns N e w s 22 APRIL 2015 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www.fueloilnews.com BERkS-SchUyLkILL OIL hEAt ASSOcIAtION DONAtES $5,350 tO thE SALvAtION ARmy The Berks-Schuylkill Oil Heat Asso- ciation donated $5,350.00 to both the Berks and Schuylkill County Salva- tion Army Corps on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014, with each Corps receiving half of the total donation. In the last 9 years, the BSOHA annual charitable donation has directly helped the heating needs of local residents to a total contribution of $46,040. Ms. Mindy McCormick and Major Colin DeVault of the Salvation Army were on hand to accept the presentation from BSOHA President Kevin Steele of H.B. Steele & Son, Inc., Orwigsburg and BSOHA Secretary/Treasurer, Ted Harris of Boston Environmental, Ports- mouth, NH. "We were very pleased to make this donation to the Salvation Army. This is the third largest annual donation we have made since the program's incep- tion. I am very pleased with the charity of our membership and their willing- ness to help those less fortunate," stated Kevin Steele, president of BSOHA. Donations for the annual fund- raiser were received from the follow- ing member companies of BSOHA: AMERIgreen, Angus Energy, Boston Environmental, Buckeye Energy Ser- vices, Carroll Independent Fuel, LLC, Earl R. Martin Inc., Elite Fuel Services LLC, Hafer Petroleum Equipment Ltd., H.B. Steele & Son Inc., Jack Rich Inc., R.F. Ohl and Petroleum Products Cor- poration. As an organization comprised of in- dependent heating oil distributors and dealers, and associated industries, The Berks-Schuylkill Oil Heat Association exists to promote and educate current and prospective heating oil customers as to the benefits of Oil Heat and to support local oil companies, providing a wide range of products and services to enhance their customers' satisfac- tion. To find a member dealer or to learn more about the Berks-Schuylkill Oil Heat Association log onto www. bsoha.org. mAjORIty OF SUPPORt StAFF WORkERS hAvE OvERhEARD cONFIDENtIAL cONvERSAtIONS At WORk, NEW cAREERBUILD- ER SURvEy FINDS You couldn't do your job without them. They clean your workplace, transfer your calls, deliver your mail, keep your build- ing secure and make sure everything in the office is running smoothly. They are your company's support staff. And though you may not interact with them every day, a new CareerBuilder survey suggests they may know more about you than you think. Some 53% of support staff workers have overheard confidential conversa- tions at work, according to the survey, and 11% of support staff workers have stumbled upon information that could cause someone to be fired. The national survey was conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Career- Builder from Nov. 4 to Dec. 2, 2014. It included a representative sample of more than 500 support staff employees who classify themselves as custodians, janitors, mailroom attendants, security guards, re- ceptionists, facilities maintenance work- ers, housekeepers, administrative assis- tants or maintenance workers. Hot Topics Dissatisfaction at work, rumors and backstabbing are among the most popu- lar themes of hush-hush conversation among workers. When asked what types of discussions they overheard the most, support staff workers who have over- heard confidential conversations cited the following themes: • Conversations around people com- plaining about the boss or other workers: 62% • Conversations around layoffs or fir- ing someone: 35% • Conversations around someone's compensation: 22% • Conversations around romantic rela- tionships between co-workers: 20% • Conversations around lying to the boss: 18% • Conversations around setting up an- other co-worker to fail: 11% Sometimes it's not what workers say, but what they leave behind that reveals too much. One in 10 support staff work- ers (10%) have found something in the trash or lying around the workplace that could get a worker or the company in trouble. A similar amount (11%) say they have knowledge about an executive or co-worker that could be grounds for that individual's dismissal. Lost and Confounded When asked about the most unusual things they've seen left lying around the workplace or in the trash, more than a few support staff workers mentioned see- ing evidence that workers were engaging in some Not Suitable for Work (NSFW) behaviors during the off-hours. Other curious workplace discoveries included the following: • A list of employee salaries. • Picture of partially-dressed co-work- er. • Layoff and compensation paperwork. • Upcoming reorganization diagram. • An old love letter from one person in the office to another. • A predetermination request for a breast augmentation. • A short story about the boss and several co-workers cast in an unflattering light. • A pregnancy test. • An employee's response to a personal dating ad. • An employee's resume on the copier. • A letter from the boss's mistress. • The boss's ex-wife's bank account statement. • An employee's tax return. • Stolen event tickets.

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