Fuel Oil News

Fuel Oil News April 2015

The home heating oil industry has a long and proud history, and Fuel Oil News has been there supporting it since 1935. It is an industry that has faced many challenges during that time. In its 77th year, Fuel Oil News is doing more than just holding

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The bulk plant operated Mercury Energy Distributors in Waterbury, Conn., recently received an extensive series of makeovers and updates that have been prompted in part by environmental regulations. That included the replacement of old horizontal tanks with three 30,000-gallon vertical tanks, the addition of a three-bay loading rack and numerous other refinements. FUEL OIL NEWS (ISSN 0016-2396), Canada Publication Mail Agreement #1588621, is published monthly by EPG/Media & Specialty Information, 75 Pike Street, Port Jervis, NY 12271. Circulated free of charge to qualified individuals in the oil heating industry in the United States. Additional and/or personal copies are available on a paid subscription basis only. 1-year subscription rates: $28.00 USA. $40.00 Canada and Mexico via service postage. $90.00 other foreign countries via air-mail postage. Single copies: $8.00 U.S. via first-class postage. $12.00 other Canada/ Mexico/Foreign via airmail postage. Payable in US currency. Periodical postage paid at Port Jervis, NY and additional mailing offices. Copyright 2015 by EPG/Media & Specialty Information. Reproduction of any portion or portions of this publication is specifically prohibited without written consent. Postmaster: Send address changes to FUEL OIL NEWS, PO Box 2123, Skokie, IL 60076-7823. Departments 3 Dateline 8 Editorial 10 States 12 Fuels/EIA 22 Business Operations 27 HVAC/Hydronics 38 Classifieds 41 Ad Index Fuels 16 Hedging Today Keith Reid 18 Bulk Plants Diversify Stephen Bennett 21 Thinking Small Stephen Bennett Business OperatiOns 26 Good Vibrations Shane Sweet HVaC/HyDrOniCs 31 Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Roundup 36 Alarm Contacts George Lanthier 42 The Deep Freeze 2015 Charles Bursey, Sr. Contents 21 On tHe COVer APRIL VOL.80 NO.4 6 APRIL 2015 | FUEL OIL NEWS | www.fueloilnews.com 31 36

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