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National Catholic Forester — 2014 Annual Report 2 The feast of St. Louis de Montfort is April 28 – which corresponds nicely with the time that our members receive their National Catholic Forester magazines! This French saint from nearly 300 years ago is still a model and inspiration for 21st century Catholics. A biography of St. Louis describes him as a pious child who had a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and to Our Lady. The saint manifested a love for the poor while he was at school, having joined a society of young men who ministered to the poor and the sick during school holidays. After becoming a priest, St. Louis served as a hospital chaplain for a number of years. Then, he realized that he had a great gift for preaching, often gathering crowds of thousands when he preached! But, St. Louis de Montfort is best known for his devotion to Mary and to the rosary. As we get ready to begin the month of May, Catholic men and women traditionally think of it as being a month dedicated to Mary. We often will say an extra rosary or include some other prayerful practice during May as a way to honor the Mother of God and to deepen our own prayer life and spiritual growth. Many NCSF members will remember showing holy respect for Mary through setting up "May Altars", participating in a "May Crowning" or assisting with a "Living Rosary". St. Louis' well- known method of devotion to Mary is known as "Total Consecration" or "True Devotion". Members who want to follow his guidance in consecrating themselves to the Blessed Virgin, can read his book "True Devotion to Mary" or use the link: http://www.fisheaters. com/totalconsecrationmontfort.html. Within this link are on-site links to all the necessary literature and prayers for this consecration to the Blessed Mother. We may choose to follow the example of St. Louis in imitating his devotion to Mary and also in his compassion for the poor and sick, or perhaps we have another saint as our model in our personal spiritual life. But we, NCSF members, are part of a prayerful nation- wide community of men and women whose shared prayers, Masses and intercession provide additional support for spiritual growth, deepening prayer life, and outreach. Our NCSF members who are gathered in active courts have access to additional help through the Society's financial assistance for our courts' outreach efforts that benefit the poor, the homeless, those struggling with illness, and a variety of parish or community needs. With these unique opportunities for fraternal support, we can each deepen our own spiritual life, develop a greater compassion for the poor, and broaden our capacity to serve the needs of others. Striving to imitate Christ and His mother, we can rely on the intercession of many holy men and women who have gone before us and provide us with prayerful guidance. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us! All Holy Men and Women, pray for us! Mary, Queen of all Saints, pray for us! MARGARET (PEGGY) SCHMITT NATIONAL PRESIDENT National President's Message St. Louis de Montfort: a model for NCSF members and Marian devotion With these unique opportunities for fraternal support, we can each deepen our own spiritual life ... and broaden our capacity to serve the needs of others.