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Spring 2015 — 11 ,7(06127 6+2:1$7 $&78$/6,=( PRIDE IN MEMBERSHIP It is a real joy to be able to recognize our long-time members. We congratulate and thank them with the awards shown for their many years of membership. Rosary Comfort Cross 10 YEARS 25 YEARS 65 YEARS Papal Blessing 50 YEARS Perpetual Mass Enrollment 10-YEAR COMFORT CROSS: At your 10-year anniversary receive a comfort cross. Carved from olive trees in %HWKOHKHPWKHFURVVLVGHVLJQHGWRŅWFRPIRUWDEO\LQWKHSDOPRI\RXUKDQG 25-YEAR ROSARY: At 25 years of membership you are recognized with a rosary; beads of precious crystal for women or genuine hematite for men represents our prayers and warm wishes. 50-YEAR LIVING PERPETUAL MASS ENROLLMENT: After 50 years, members are registered in a Living Perpetual Mass Enrollment at the Holy Family Passionist Monastery in West Hartford, CT. 65-YEAR PAPAL BLESSING: Those reaching their 65th membership anniversary in 2015 and after are eligible for a Papal Blessing. The Papal Blessings are a special blessing that comes directly from the Pope. They require a recommendation from a parish priest attesting to the member's good standing in the Catholic Church, on letterhead with the parish seal. A minimum of 30 days is required to process requests. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS: Call or email to request any earned awards. COURTS: Courts holding an award presentation ceremony must contact us 6-8 weeks prior to the event. A list of only those eligible members who will be attending the SUHVHQWDWLRQPD\EHVXEPLWWHGE\DFRXUWRIŅFHU Contact Ann in the fraternal department at 1-800-344-6273 x 244 or email us at