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National Catholic Forester — 2014 Annual Report 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I When you become a member of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, you are joining a history of tradition, benevolence, and protection that is exponential to the personal fraternal EHQHŅWV\RXUHFHLYH We're all familiar with the advertising slogan ĥPHPEHUVKLSKDVLWVEHQHŅWVĦEXWWKDWPHDQLQJ holds so much more truth as a member of the Society! Recently we have updated some current EHQHŅWVDQGODXQFKHGVRPHQHZEHQHŅWV:H thought this was an excellent time to talk about DOOWKHEHQHŅWVRIPHPEHUVKLSZLWKWKHKRSHWKDW you are fully aware of the value our products and association carry, and are getting the most out of YOUR membership. 2QWKHLQVXUDQFHEHQHŅWVVLGHZHFRQWLQXHWR offer the 2USKDQ%HQHŅW, 1HZERUQ&KLOG%HQHŅW and $FFHOHUDWHG'HDWK%HQHŅW7KHVHĥSURGXFWVĦ DUHDFWXDOO\IUDWHUQDOEHQHŅWVRIPHPEHUVKLSWKDW provide peace of mind to families faced with different life challenges. We also offer a $20 Recommender Award to members who introduce RWKHUVWRWKHEHQHŅWVRIPHPEHUVKLS6RPHUHTXLUHPHQWV are involved.) NEW to this category is the 8OWLPDWH$VVXUDQFH %HQHŅW.7KLVEHQHŅWUHTXLUHVEHQHŅFLDOPHPEHUVKLS for 1 year. It is available solely to NCSF members to apply on behalf of a hard-to-insure child/young adult relative – even if they have been denied insurance in the past! No medical condition is excluded and with Ultimate Assurance, once the agreed-upon number RISUHPLXPSD\PHQWVDUHPDGHWKHGHDWKEHQHŅW remains in-force and cash values continue to grow! Straddling the category of insurance and community EHQHŅWVLVWKH&KDULWDEOH*LYLQJ option. Modest GROODUVFDQJURZLQWRVLJQLŅFDQWJLIWVIRU\RXU IDYRULWHVFKRROFROOHJHRUFKXUFK2WKHUEHQHŅWVRI membership thatgo to recipients near and dear to you in your church and community include outreach and funding opportunities. 2XUHGXFDWLRQDOEHQHŅWVFRQWLQXHWRJURZĠQRZ added to our $300 &DWKROLF*UDGH6FKRRO*UDQWV, $300 &DWKROLF+LJK6FKRRO*UDQWV and $50 &&' FRATERNAL BENEFITS Do you REALLY know what NCSF membership has to offer? EDUCATION BENEFITS INSURANCE BENEFITS