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Spring 2015 — 15 continued on page 16 Minutes of the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of National Catholic Society of Foresters. Thursday, March 5, 2015 The March quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Society of Foresters was called to order by National President Margaret Schmitt on Thursday, March 5 at 8:30 a.m. in the Home Office board room. The Board was introduced to our spiritual director for 2015 Father Curt Lambert, pastor at St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish of Prospect Heights, Illinois. He gave a reflection on reconciliation. Opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were said. Roll call was taken. Present were National President Margaret "Peggy" Schmitt, National Vice President Sally Egan, National Secretary Catherine "Cathy" Hensel, National Treasurer Lisa Bickus and National Directors David Bonacker, Terence "Patrick" Coleman, Jeanne Filipp, Linda Ortiz, Sandra Troyanoski, Maria Tupaz and Jane Uselman. Also present was Executive Vice President John "Jay" Schenk. Sally Egan moved and seconded by Jane Uselman that the Board of Directors accept the Agenda for the March 2015 Board Meeting as modified. Adopted 11-0. The meeting went into closed session for personnel issues. The Board was reconvened into an open session. Fraternal Director Karen Kruger presented her first quarter fraternal board report. The Board accepted the resignation of Director Linda Ortiz with regret and thanks for her years of service on the Board. Report from Controller Frank Janczak was presented. Good news: the risk based capital (RBC) in 2014 increased 204 points over 2013. NCSF is in excellent surplus position at Dec. 31, 2014 with a solvency ratio of 108.46% (assets/liabilities). Secretary's report was given by Secretary Cathy Hensel. Convention abbreviated minutes were handed out to the Board members. All delegates, as well as presidents of courts that did not have a delegate, will receive a copy in the mail. Patrick Coleman moved that the motions made and adopted during a closed session on January 28 be moved to the open session record. Seconded by Sally Egan. Adopted 10-0. These are as follows: The Board of Directors met via a conference call 7 p.m., Wednesday, January 28, 2015. On the call were National President Margaret Schmitt, National Vice President Sally Egan, National Secretary Catherine Hensel, National Treasurer Lisa Bickus, National Directors Patrick Coleman, Jeanne Filipp, Sandra Troyanoski and Jane Uselman; Maria Tupaz came on the call later. Not on the call were David Bonacker and Linda Ortiz. The revised organizational chart was emailed to the members before the meeting. Discussion followed. Catherine Hensel representing the Executive Committee moved that the Board of Directors approve the organizational chart presented January 2015. Adopted 8-0. Catherine Hensel representing the Executive Committee moved that the Board of Directors give the Executive Committee permission to research a part-time in house Human Resource person, with the assistance of the personnel committee. Adopted 9-0. Lisa Bickus representing of the Executive Committee moved that all contracts under $40,000 be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee and one additional board member and then be presented at the next board meeting. Adopted 9-0. Treasurer's report was given by National Treasurer Lisa Bickus. NCSF Investment Guideline Verification and State of Illinois Investment Limitation Verification reports were handed out for review. Meeting recessed at 4:48 p.m. for committee meetings. Friday, March 6, 2015 The March quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Society of Foresters was called to order by National President Margaret Schmitt on Friday, March 6 at 8:45 a.m. in the Home Office board room. Opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were said. Roll call was taken. Present were National President Margaret "Peggy" Schmitt, National Vice President Sally Egan, National Secretary Catherine "Cathy" Hensel, National Treasurer Lisa Bickus and National Directors David Bonacker, Terence "Patrick" Coleman, Jeanne Filipp, Sandra Troyanoski, Maria Tupaz and Jane Uselman. Executive Vice President John "Jay" Schenk was also present. Mitchell Serota from Mitchell I. Serota & Associates, Inc. presented a report on the status of Defined Benefit Pension From the National Secretary