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18 Holy Rosary Court 198, Tyndall, SD Court 198 held a holiday bake sale to benefit St. Leo CCD program. The court raised $312 and NCSF matched $312. We think these goodies look very good to eat on the way home! St. Ann Court 306, Custer, WI Court 306 co-sponsored a "Cherry Tree" fund raiser with Sacred Heart Parish Rosary Society. They raised $850 and the Society matched $500. All funds will benefit the Isaac Mlodik family for medical expenses. So many of our courts and their PHPEHUVKDYHUHDOL]HGWKHEHQHŅW of using NCSF's Hearts and Hands program to give their charitable outreach efforts a greater impact for worthy causes in their parish and community. This is the most used program we offer because of the positive support it gives to our members who volunteer. That is why we are so pleased to announce that, by unanimous Board approval, we will be raising the annual Hearts and Hands match to $1,500 for a sole sponsored event!!! Hearts and Hands co-sponsored events will be raised to $750 matching funds! Changes to the Hearts and Hands program are effective immediately, so if you have already submitted an event that hasn't yet been held, the new matching amount will be applied to your event! These funds are available to each court annually, and multiple events can be held to reach the maximum $1,500 match. Your events can be sole sponsored or co- sponsored**. We know how important service is to our members, and we'll continue to support you in every way we can! We have banners available for your use and will help ZLWKņ\HUVDQGSUHVVUHOHDVHVWR promote your event. Simply contact Ann in the Fraternal Department (ext.244) or email fraternal@ncsf. com for applications and information. Please allow adequate time to plan your event as proper advertising and application processes are required to qualify for the matching funds. Applications are also available online at Friends Family Fraternalism The deadline to send in your court's picture and story for the Summer 2015 NCF magazine will be June 1, 2015. Over $2.5 MILLION* in Charitable Outreach! FROM 1984 - DECEMBER 2014 $1,833,292 Raised by Members! $706,396 Matched by NCSF * ALL AMOUNTS ARE APPROXIMATE & BASED ON OUR HISTORICAL DATA H&H Matching Funds is Getting a Raise! **Restrictions apply to co-sponsorships: events with other fraternal insurance societies and non-Church approved organizations are not eligible for funding.