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26 Winter 2014 Games: WINNERS Members participated in age category games; winners were chosen by a drawing of correct entries. AGES 0-4 #1 – GIFT Raylee Pavelec, Court 998 in WI #2 – GIFT Macie Juedes, Court 361 in WI #3 – GIFT Peter Kuhn, Court 998 in WI AGES 5-9 #1 – $15 Stella Kuhn, Court 998 in WI #2 – $10 Marian Krupp, Court 850 in IL #3 – $5 Alyssa Pavelec, Court 998 in WI AGES 10-15 #1 – $25 Miran Nakagawa, Court 868 in IN #2 – $15 Nicholas Smits, Court 868 in IN #3 – $10 Cade Statz, Court 998 in WI AGES 16 & over #1 – $50 Frances Doll, Court 1036 in MT #2 – $25 John Mayer, Court 1091 in SD #3 – $15 Kathy Hamus, Court 998 in WI ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ Members' Moments & Milestones Do you have a special event, milestone or accomplishment to share with your Forester family? tHSBEVBUJPO tTDIPPMIPOPST tHPMEFOCJSUIEBZ tOFXHSBOECBCZ Let us know! Call 800-344-6273 ext. 237 for Jennifer or email her at HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mary E. Derr celebrated her 100th birthday March 12. She lives by herself on the family farm in Marshall, WI. Mary is a member of St. Ann Court 299, East Bristol, WI. She has lived on the Derr family farm since 1935 when she married Alvin H. Derr, who passed away 7 years ago at age 102. 0DU\ZDVRQHRIWKHŅUVWPHPEHUVRIWKHORFDO court which was organized in 1946. Mary is current president of Court 229, a position she has held for 40 years. She attended four NCSF conventions. She was president of the Madison Diocese for four years. Mary was also the founder of the East Bristol Youth Organization. She spent several years accompanying Dorothy Yero, selling (then) WCOF policies to new members in Madison and the surrounding areas. Mary also chaperoned the youth court group on their yearly trips visiting interesting educational places. Mary has wintered in Texas since 1975. Mary enjoys having company, visiting with her 3 children, 7 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren. She enjoys tv and watches 3 Masses on Sunday and the rosary on EWTN. She stated she truly thinks wintering in Texas for all those years and living on the farm have kept her healthy. AT RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM: St. Louis Court 890, Dorchester, WI – Maria Ustanovska (age 2) was the 1st place fall contest winner for the age group 0-4. We love her toes poking out from under her big book. St. Mary Court 998, Rudolph, WI – Peter Kuhn (age 2) was the 2nd place fall contest winner for the age group 0-4. That elephant is his best friend. St. Mary Court 998, Rudolph, WI – Stella Kuhn (age 4) was the 3rd place fall contest winner for the age group 0-4. Such a cute pal to hold and hug all day long. BIG SMILES from the littlest 2014 Fall Game Winners!! 26 26 National Catholic Forester — 2014 Annual Report