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Product not available in all states. 1-Form 07BR-CTI, 07BR-CTI2, 07BR-CTI3. 3.15AD-SS Start Smart ... Term to 25 1 life insurance can be purchased for your child or grandchild anytime from birth to their 18th birthday. Their term insurance will cover them from the date of purchase to the age of 25. A one-time payment of $125 purchases $10,000 of term insurance ... Or a one-time payment of $250 purchases $20,000 of term insurance! Plus, receive a guaranteed option to convert to up to $50,000 of permanent life insurance. Only $125 NEW! CATHOLIC PRE-SCHOOL GRANTS Deadline Extended thru May 31 Each year NCSF will award ten (10) $300 pre-school grants to members 3-4 years of age, who are attending a Catholic school run pre-school program. These grants will be chosen lottery style at the same time as our Catholic grade school and high school grants. Please notice the addition to the grant application form. Grant applications are normally due April 15th each year, but due to late announcement of the new grant program, we are extending the date for PRE-SCHOOL APPLICATIONS ONLY to May 31st, 2015. Additionally, for those just purchasing a NCSF product for a child, there is NO WAITING PERIOD* to be eligible for the pre-school grant! You can join and apply at the same time! NEW! CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANTS Deadline May 31 – SEE APPLICATION BELOW Are you interested in learning a new skill like how to use a computer, social media, cooking or a new language? Do you have an interest in photography, ceramics, or other hobby? Then the Continuing Education Grant is for you! Members aged 26 and older who have met eligibility requirements can apply for one of ten (10) grants that will award up to $250 each for any credit or non-credit course offered at a local community college, park district, senior center, or other approved institution, including instructor required supplies**! That means if the course is $190 and required supplies cost $50, the grant will cover the entire $240 expense. Anything over $250 would be your responsibility to pay. The continuing education grants will be chosen lottery style and this year's deadline for submission will be May 31, 2015. Please complete the application form below or contact Karen (ext.208) in the fraternal department for more information. *THE TWO-YEAR WAITING PERIOD, OR REQUIRED MEMBERSHIP, STILL APPLIES TO ALL OTHER GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS. **REQUIREMENT MUST BE LISTED IN COURSE DESCRIPTION AND A COPY SUBMITTED WITH YOUR APPLICATION. Continuing Education Grant Program Entry Form DEADLINE: MAY 31 POSTMARK Last Name: _______________________________ First: __________________________ Phone: ( _____ ) _____________ Address: _____________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Court No: ________ Course Name and Description: ___________________________________________________________ Please attach a photocopy of the course from the school's course catalog. ____ credit ____noncredit School/Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Amount of Course: $_________ Amount of Required Supplies: $_________ Total Grant Applied for: $_________ Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________ TWO NEW GRANTS ADDED TO YOUR FRATERNAL BENEFIT PACKAGE!