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THE BEATITUDE MEDITATION SERIES Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see the God. Purity of heart means undivided obedience to God ... In the rest of his sermon, Jesus will call us to go beyond merely trying to do the minimum that God requires; he will urge us to make a wholehearted effort to attain the righteousness that God desires – to do what is right not for personal gain but for the love of God, to put God's agenda for the world ahead of our own comfort and security. As soon as we try to respond WR -HVXVģ FDOO GLIŅFXOWLHV DULVH confronting us with the question of whether our primary concern is to serve self or to serve God and others. This is the question of purity of heart. The Beatitude Series will present one beatitude per quarter with commentary which is an excerpt from Matthew 5-7: How to Be Happy by Kevin Perrotta (Loyola Press 2002). Reprinted with permission of Loyola Press. To order copies of this book, call 1-800-621-1008 or visit 424 applications National Catholic Forester — 2014 Annual Report 4 $IWHUDUHFRUGEUHDNLQJ\HDULQOLIHVDOHVDQGDSURŅWDEOH year in operations (our pension contribution is what pulled our ŅQDQFLDOQXPEHUVGRZQZHDUHRIIWRWKHUDFHVDJDLQ As of March 2015 we have 424 applications submitted with $515,000 of premium also submitted. We have added staff to better serve you and look for even bigger and better things to come. Recently we began the initial work to switch to a new software administration system which will allow us to give you faster service and even offer new services. I hope you had a meaningful Lent with great anticipation of our Lord's Glorious Resurrection. Fraternally, JAY SCHENK FIC, CSA, CFFM EXECUTIVE VP from your EXECUTIVE VP... The Numbers Speak for Themselves $515,000 of premium