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Spring 2015 — 5 God is God and We are Not Welcome to the National Catholic Forester Spring 2015 Edition — 2014 Annual Statement Pictured above is the 2014-2018 Board of Directors FRONT ROW: National Treasurer Lisa Bickus, National President Margaret Schmitt, National Secretary Catherine Hensel. ROW 2, seated: National Director Jeanne Filipp, National Director Sandra Troyanoski. ROW 2, standing: National Director Jane Uselman, National Director Maria Tupaz. ROW 3: National Director Terence P. Coleman, National Director David Bonacker, National Vice President Sally Egan. REV. CURT'S REFLECTION As a tool for reflection, this phrase begins to open up hidden chambers within us that actually reveal that there are other "gods" we trust more than the one true God. Sometimes I may act like a child in a toy shop wanting this and that and then something else, believing that some "thing" will bring instant satisfaction to my inner cravings. The more options we have the more confusing life becomes. And as long as our hearts keep vacillating among these many wants, we cannot move forward in life with inner peace and joy. That is why we need inner and outer disciplines to move us beyond these wants to discover our true purpose in life and our mission as God's children. During Lent our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving paved the way for a clearer perception of our priorities and in the ways we are making "gods" of things, attitudes, and our own pursuits. The Lenten disciplines gave us the space to change our normal way of going about our activities, intensifying our spiritual sight with the hope of recognizing any blind spots that lie hidden within our consciousness. Any change, any act of discipline, opens the door to our heart where Jesus will meet us and reach out to us. The Spirit of the risen Lord strengthens us with his gifts to sustain us in recognizing that God is God – and we are not! Rev. Curtis Lambert NCSF 2015 SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Pastor at St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish in Prospect Heights, IL