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National Catholic Forester — 2014 Annual Report 6 2014 2013 ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds, at amortized cost 156,708,338 157,404,923 Common stocks, at market value 7,846,210 7,180,655 Properties occupied by the Society, less accumulated depreciation of $1,838,825 and $1,796,940 in 2014 and 2013, respectively 606,963 643,097 &HUWL¿FDWHORDQVDQGOLHQV 2,817,737 2,791,053 Cash and short-term investments 2,203,834 3,030,209 Electronic data processing equipment and software, less accumulated depreciation of $188,669 and $162,388 in 2014 and 2013, respectively 15,252 29,715 Receivables for securities Premiums deferred and uncollected 24,337 23,627 Investment income due and accrued 2,115,931 2,031,794 Amounts recoverable from reinsurers 0 0 Other assets 9,121 341,528 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS 172,347,722 173,476,601 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS &HUWL¿FDWHOLDELOLWLHVDQGUHVHUYHV $JJUHJDWHUHVHUYHIRUOLIHFHUWL¿FDWHVDQGFRQWUDFWV 148,222,358 149,352,077 Liability for deposit-type contracts 3,570,705 3,601,319 &HUWL¿FDWHDQGFRQWUDFWFODLPV 710,014 806,450 Provision for refunds payable 379,000 375,000 7RWDOFHUWL¿FDWHOLDELOLWLHVDQGUHVHUYHV 152,882,077 154,134,846 2WKHUOLDELOLWLHV Premiums received in advance 26,899 35,425 Interest maintenance reserve 714,711 954,977 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 832,034 674,402 Provision for future conventions 0 81,160 3HQVLRQ3RVWUHWLUHPHQWEHQH¿WREOLJDWLRQ 2,704,228 1,206,147 Asset valuation reserve 1,740,497 1,495,423 Total liabilities 158,900,446 158,582,380 6XUSOXV8QDVVLJQHGIXQGV 13,447,276 14,894,221 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS 172,347,722 173,476,601 $Q\PHPEHUZLVKLQJWRUHYLHZPRUH¿QDQFLDOGHWDLOVDVSUHVHQWHGLQRXUUHSRUWRILQGHSHQGHQW DXGLWRUVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH+RPH2I¿FHDWH[W Statutory Statements of Admitted Assets, Liabilities & Surplus at December 31, 2014 & 2013