July 2015

Fleet Management News & Business Info | Commercial Carrier Journal

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24 COMMERCIAL CARRIER JOURNAL | JULY 2015 THIS YEAR'S ACTIVITIES: FREE TRUCK PARKING ȏ6KXWWOHEXVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQWR FRQYHQWLRQFHQWHU ȏ6KRZHUVSURYLGHGE\7$DQG 3HWUR6WRSSLQJ&HQWHUV ȏ)RRGYHQGRUVDQGFRROLQJWHQWV 7KLVSDYLOLRQZLOOSURYLGHSURGXFWV LQIRUPDWLRQIUHHVHUYLFHVDQG HGXFDWLRQWRDVVLVW\RXRQWKHURDG WREHWWHUKHDOWK ȏ)UHHKHDOWKVFUHHQLQJV ȏ&RRNLQJGHPRV ȏΖQFDEȴWQHVVGHPRV ȏ+HDOWK\IRRGRSWLRQV ȏ+HDOWKUHODWHGYHQGRUV EDUCATION ȏ)UHHVHPLQDUVSURGXFHGE\WKH 7H[DV7UXFNLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ ȏ3DUWQHUVLQ%XVLQHVVZRUNVKRSV RECRUITING PAVILION ȏ([SDQGHGSDYLOLRQZLWKPRUH UHFUXLWHUV ȏ)LQG\RXUQH[WMRE ȏ/HDUQDERXWȵHHWGULYHUSDFNDJHV OVERDRIVE'S PRIDE & POLISH ȏ&HOHEUDWLQJWKHLUWK DQQLYHUVDU\3ULGH 3ROLVKVHWVWKHVWDQGDUG IRUWUXFNEHDXW\FRQWHVWV ȏ(QWHU\RXUWUXFN WRFRPSHWHDW 3ULGHDQG3ROLVKFRPDQGMRLQWKH 1DWLRQDO&KDPSLRQVKLS6HULHV ȏ6KRZWUXFNVIURPDFURVVWKH FRXQWU\RQGLVSOD\ THE GATS THEATER 6WDJHKRVWLQJQXPHURXVVHVVLRQV WKDWZLOOH[FLWHDQGHGXFDWH ȏ7UXFNHUV*RW7DOHQWFRQWHVW ȏ3ULGH 3ROLVKDZDUGSUHVHQWDWLRQ RED EYE RADIO ȏ'DLO\PHHWDQG JUHHWVDQGFHOHEULW\ DSSHDUDQFHV ȏ/LYHSHUIRUPDQFHVDWWKHERRWK ȏ3UL]HJLYHDZD\VDQGGUDZLQJV REGISTER NOW! TRUCKSHOW.COM C iting a need to improve aerodynamics and gain more flexibility to create new technologies, Daimler Trucks North America, parent company of Freightliner and Western Star, asked the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to allow camera-monitor systems as a compliance alternative to rearview mirrors. Federal regulations currently require heavy-du- ty trucks to be equipped with rearview mirrors from the manufacturer. Daimler argues in its pe- tition that modern camera-based systems would allow truck makers to avoid the aerodynamic drag that comes with chunks of metal and mirror hanging on each side of the tractor. Camera systems give truck operators expanded viewing angles of what's happening around their vehicle, eliminating blind spots and providing an unimpeded view in all directions, encompassing multiple lanes, Daimler says in its petition. The aero- dynamic benefi ts, while improving fuel economy, also lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with fuel consumption. In designing the Freightliner SuperTruck concept vehicle unveiled this year, Daimler said it hoped to not have to use rearview mirrors in the fi nished product. To make the truck road-legal for its rollout, Freightliner equipped the rig with a small mirror on each side. Freightliner also equipped the SuperTruck with the camera-monitor system. – James Jaillet Daimler asks to use camera systems in lieu of rearview mirrors M ack Trucks introduced its LR low-entry cabover refuse model at WasteExpo 2015. The new truck was built for refuse customers need- ing added maneuverability, increased driver comfort and improved visibility. The cab's enhanced driver en- vironment, built with customer input, includes tilt and telescopic steering columns, power win- dows and door locks, memory mirrors, in-dash air conditioning, standard in-cab LED lighting and an instrument cluster with a color LED display. The LR model is available in three-axle 6-by-4 confi gurations and can be powered by diesel or natural gas. The 11-liter Mack MP7 diesel engine is standard, delivering 325 to 345 horsepower and 1,200 to 1,280 pound-feet of torque. The Cummins West- port ISL G natural gas engine is optional. The LR model is equipped with an Allison RDS fi ve-speed or six-speed automatic transmission. – Jack Roberts Mack introduces LR refuse model Mack Trucks' LR low-entry cabover refuse model was built for added maneuverability, increased driver comfort and improved visibility. Freightliner equipped its SuperTruck concept vehicle with a camera-monitor system, as well as small rearview mirrors to comply with federal regulations.

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