City Trees is a premier publication focused on urban + community forestry. In each issue, you’ll learn how to best manage the trees in your community and more!
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6 City Trees In This Issue: Contributors Rich Weber has a BS in Forestry from Purdue University and has served for 17 years as Horticulturist for the Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) Physical Plant- Grounds Department. Weber devel- oped a tree inventory with data on over 9500 IPFW campus trees and designed and maintains the Native Trees of Indiana River Walk and website ( Richard W. Harper is an Extension Assistant Professor of Urban & Community Forestry in the UMass Department of Environmental Conservation. An ISA Board Certified Master Arborist & Connecticut Licensed Arborist, Rick has over 15 years com- bined green industry experience both as a field technician and in Cornell University's Extension Horticulture Program. He serves as the MA State Rep on the ISA New England Chapter Board of Directors. David Lefcourt is the current SMA President and has been the City Arborist/Tree Warden for the City of Cambridge, MA for over seven years. He is the past president of the MA Tree Wardens and Foresters Association. He is a MA Certified Arborist, a Certified Municipal Specialist, holds the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, and has been involved in SMA since attending the 2007 Municipal Forestry Institute. Paul Revell has been the Urban Forestry Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Forestry since 1995. He was one of the original organizers of the Urban Forest Strike Teams and has participated in all of the major deployments. He is a current member of the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC), a past President of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of ISA, and a longtime Board Member of the Virginia Urban Forest Council (Trees Virginia). Jeff Shimonski is an ISA Certified Municipal Specialist and retired Director of Horticulture at Parrot Jungle/ Jungle Island in Miami. He now works as a full-time consulting arborist and horticulturist for his company, Tropical Designs of Florida. He is Chair of the Editorial Review Committee for City Trees. Richard W. Harper Rich Weber Jeff Shimonski Paul Revell David Lefcourt Become a Contributor! Want to write for City Trees? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for authors with contributions suitable for sharing with the City Trees audience. For more information request our Writer's Guidelines from City Trees Editor Michelle Sutton at: