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50 AUGUST 2015 Good Fruit Grower A U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologist is exploring low-cost adju- vants, such as yeasts, that could increase the efficacy of codling moth controls. Dr. Alan Knight, at the Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory in Washington, and colleague Dr. Peter Witzgall, chemical ecologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp, found that the cod- ling moth granulosis virus was more effective when combined with yeast and sugar. The virus is applied to orchards as a biological control for codling moth, a serious pest of apple and pear. When ingested, the virus infects the gut of the larva. As the infection advances over the course of about a week to ten days, the larva stops feeding, turns black, and dies. The virus is specific to codling moth and harmless to beneficial insects and humans. Most commercial formulations of the virus have not provided consistent control, scientists report. It degrades rapidly in ultraviolet light and high temperatures and usually does not kill Results rise with ADJUVANTS Bread yeast shows potential for improving pesticide performance. by Geraldine Warner are planted with the most popular seedling, semi-dwarf and dwarf varieties: Our Fields Prunus avium/P. mahaleb M.106/M.7/M.26/B.118 Prunus EMLA Colt OHxF Series Geneva® Series M.9 Clones We also grow a great selection of rootstock varieties for apple, peach, pear and plum including: Like our rootstock, our service will grow on you. All fruit tree rootstock is Oregon certified virus-free. MALUS ANTONOVKA MALUS DOMESTICA PRUNUS PERSICA 'LOVELL PRUNUS CERACIFERA PRUNUS MARIANA PRUNAS MYROBALAN PYRUS CALLERYANA PYRUS COMMUNIS PYRUS USSERIENSIS APPLE PEACH PLUM PEAR PROVINCE QUINCE CANBY, OREGON WWW.WILLAMETTENURS ERIES.COM ( 503 ) 263-6405 TOLL FREE: ( 800 ) 825-2108 Designed for West Coast Orchard & Vineyard Operations Available For Rental or Purchase CALIFORNIA 509-952-9488 PASCO 509-544-6678 WALLA WALLA 509-525-4550 WALLA WALLA UNION GAP 509-248-8411 GEORGE 509-785-2595 PASCO CLE ELUM 509-674-4544 GEORGE MATAWA 509-932-4001 CALIFORNIA SUNNYSIDE 509-839-2066 MATAWA See Your Nearest Blueline Equipment Dealer Today . . . Featuring the BLUELINE UTILIT Y FORKLIFT • Available in 4000 and 5000 lb. • Available In Two Mast Heights 10'4" 2-Stage Mast and 15'4" 3-Stage Mast • Cummins Diesel Engine or GM Gas Engine • Automatic Transmission • Heavy Duty (Clear View) Mast With Side Shift • Dual Pneumatic Tires • Power Steering