Equipment World

August 2015

Equipment World Digital Magazine

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IT CAN BUILD ANYTHING EVEN THE BOTTOM LINE The UltraShift PLUS VCS. Built for your job. Your spec. And your competitive edge. When your sights are set on the jobsite. And you choose a transmission that isn't just as good as your best driver. It's better. With a Creep Mode that's so precise, you're curbing at less than one foot per second. And Hill Start Aid that gives you real launch control. When Gear Selection Logic is so smart it knows when to skip gears to max out fuel effi ciency and driver focus is where it should be – on the job. All backed by the solutions, support and expertise of the Roadranger ® network. Drive your choice. Drive On. Find your Eaton ® edge at ©2015 Eaton. All rights reserved.

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