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16 STiR tea & coffee industry international / Issue 4, 2015 (August/September) Tea Report: Jane Pettigrew K L O T H & K Ö H N K E N T E E H A N D E L G M B H K O N S U L - S M I D T - S T R A S S E 8 j SPEICHER 1 - D -282 17 BREMEN FON + 4 9 - 4 2 1 - 3 4 8 5 2 6 4 FAX + 4 9 - 4 2 1 - 3 4 7 7 7 2 0 W W W . K K T E E . D E M A I L @ K K T E E . D E IT SUITS ALL MERCHANTS TO TRADE FAIR AND QUALI-TEA ! AUSTRALIA Williames Mechanical Harvester The Williames Selective Tea Harvester arrived at the Tea Research Foundation in Africa in 2014 and is being tested on a plot of two different tea cultivars (PC168 and PC198). The mechanical harvester was developed by Geoff Williames in Australia and comprises rubber rotors, a one millimeter cutting edge, a petrol engine, a conveyor belt and a leaf collection chamber. During harvesting, it does not cut the leaf in the way that other cutting harvesters do (as with the Jachacha machine) but breaks off shoots of the right size, imitating hand plucking. During tests at the Mimosa Research Station in Malawi, different plots are being harvested by the Williames Selective Harvester and by the Jachacha machine on 7-day, 11-day, and 14-day plucking rounds. Preliminary observa- tions show that the Williames machine has the potential to pluck the best quality leaf. Parameters being observed include yield, leaf quality, and percentage of the two different cultivar shoots that the machines are able to harvest from the plucking table. The Williames is achieving better results all round. Learn more: country," says Kevin Reid, director, food & beverage, Starbucks Canada. "We're thrilled that Canadians are among the first in the world to taste our refreshing new handcrafted Teavana sparkling tea juices." The sparkling teas are available in two flavors: black tea & tangerine and passion tango tea & pineapple. Baristas prepare the blend and carbonate in the cup using the company's proprietary Fizzio machines. This is a significant innovation popular in Teavana stores and with the likelihood of expanding to beverage outlets including Jamba Juice (which currently offers Skylar Haley sparkling fruit varietals), and other firms with juice bars. The blends dilute the high-calorie count of fruit juice and are promoted for their health benefits from tea. Carbon- ation enhances the experience and appeals to diet soda drinkers concerned with artificial sweeteners. CZECH REPUBLIC Oxalis Expansion Plans Twenty-two candles lit up the birthday cake in late July at Oxalis tea and coffee wholesalers and blenders. The anniver- sary celebrations coincided with a record number of investments, the implementa- tion of some crucial organizational modifications, and the presentation of a new product range. The company has seen growth of 30% in the past five years necessitating an expansion of its headquarters in Slušovice. Correction Andrew Tolley, of Taylor Street Baristas, won the UK Tea Brewers Cup at a competition in Wales as reported in the May-June issue. STiR incorrectly reported Tolley is Welsh. CANADA Sparkling Teas In July Starbucks began testing sparkling tea juices in Toronto and Vancouver Canada. These combine real fruit juice and either green or black teas or green-black mixtures. "Year after year we are evolving our core coffee and tea platforms to bring the latest trends and elevated taste experiences to our customers across the Mechanical harvester trials