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22 STiR tea & coffee industry international / Issue 4, 2015 (August/September) Coffee Report: Jenny Neill A Rebounding Year? The United States Department of Agriculture released its forecast of coffee production for 2015/16 in June. With a forecast of 6.4 million more bags of coffee to be produced when compared to the previous year, the lead finding is that production is on the rebound. The report credits high output predicted for Indonesian and Honduran crops for much of this. However, consumption is also likely to reach new levels, which means inventories could reach their lowest level in four years. Despite that overall higher production forecast, the latest analysis includes downward revisions for many coffee producing regions as compared to December estimates. Countries and regions with such shifts include Central America and Mexico, Vietnam, and Peru. intergovernmental body; the 4C Association as uniting private partners through its multi-stakeholder platform; and IDH "…as the convener of large-scale mainstream Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)." ICO credits Vision 2020 discussions as a catalyst for the partnership. In May, the partners hosted two online webinars to continue to formalize what this collaboration means. The report, now available on the 4C site, summarizes the webinar proceedings and states: "Vision 2020 is based on the belief that single entities alone cannot effectively bring about change in the current coffee sustainability landscape." To download the report and find out how to get involved: www.4c-coffeeas- COSTA RICA Cafe Britt's Buyer Program Cafe Britt has a new website and new program for office coffee buyers. Known for their direct delivery model of gourmet coffee, Cafe Britt's new website design integrates an updated look intended to meet the needs of anyone reading it on a desktop computer as well as on mobile and tablet devices. New features include a stream- lined checkout process, a wish list, and the new office coffee program that allows customers to utilize an office coffee specialist to tailor a coffee program to their specific needs. "At Cafe Britt we are constantly seeking ways to improve the customer experience," Britt's c.e.o., Pablo Vargas, said. "Our updated website keeps the best of the old while offering new features and touch ups that provide optimal usability and key information that will improve customer experience. We hadn't done a complete overhaul in a long time, so we're excited to offer our customers something new." Learn more: Photo by Robert Couse-Baker Vision 2020 Progresses In March, the International Coffee Organization (ICO), the 4C Association and IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), signed a memo of understanding to establish a multilateral partnership for public-private collaboration. The partners are working together "…to promote sustainable development as a means of achieving social and economic progress in coffee producing countries while protecting natural resources," according to a blog post announcing the agreement. The post describes ICO as the public partner, an COLOMBIA Two-Decade High A return to pre-rust crisis production levels appeared to be good news for Colombia earlier this year. In a February statement, Luis Samper, marketing director at the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), said, "It's been our great leap forward." Projections from the US Department of Agriculture, released in June, lend further support to the notion that Colombian production is on a real come-back. The agency forecast Colombia would produce 13 million bags. This figure is the highest projec- tion in two decades and follows years of below average numbers. Coffee leaf rust and infestations of coffee cherry borer were to blame for reducing production by as much as 40% in Colombia's coffee growing regions. Learn more: www.federaciondecaf- Photo by Belinda Grasnick, Colombia production rebounds TURKEY Toper Roasters' New Plant Toper, a Turkish manufacturer of coffee roasters since 1954, has enjoyed tremendous growth in recent years. Toper roaster and supporting destoners, afterburners and grinders are now found in more than 130 countries. The Izmir-based company supplies a whole range from micro shop roasters to large industrial roasters. To meet demand, especially from Asia and Africa, the company has constructed a modern 43,000 sq. ft. (4,000 m 2 ) factory includ- ing laboratories and educational facilities both for newcomers and for those who want to sharpen their skills in roasting and in evaluation of the end results. Move-in began this summer and the plant was operational by August. Learn more: - Alf Kramer