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6 STiR tea & coffee industry international / Issue 4, 2015 (August/September) Incorporating Advertising Representation: Global Glenn Anthony John (Thailand) Tel +66 2 660 3789 Mobile +66 818 299 409 The Americas / Northern Europe Emerson Leonard (United States) Tel/Mobile: +1 917 680 1050 Southeast Asia Chris Michaelides (Hong Kong) Tel +66 22 55 66 25 Mobile +66 869 896 540 Spain / Italy Jonathan Wesley Bell (France) Tel: +33 563 414790 Printing/Distribution October Inter Co., Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand Tel 66 2 660 3789 Up Front * The "i" in STiR this issue is a Chemex pour-over coffee maker. Tea workers in Sri Lanka are some of the highest paid in the world. Letter to the Editor No Lead Limits Dear Editor, The author of "Reading the Leaf" Dr. Markus Heidak (pg. 52, June/July) incorrectly reported a limit for lead in tea under European Union legislation. The article states that a limit of 0.2 ppm applies to tea (Camellia sinensis). This is not true. The European Union has not published limits for lead in water. The latest amendment of the Contaminants Regulation (EU) 2015/1005 explicitly states: "As consumption of tea and herbal infusions can be an important contributor to dietary exposure, a maximum level for these com- modities should be established. However, in absence of data on dry tea leaves and dry parts of other plants for the preparation of herbal infusions allowing the establishment of such a maximum level, occurrence data should be collected in view of the possible establishment of a specific maximum level in the future." Kindest regards, Dr. Monika Beutgen, secretary general Tea & Herbal Infusions Europe (THIE) ICO at Re:co 2015 In June, Mauricio Galindo, ICO's head of opera- tions, delivered a "State of the European Coffee Market" talk at Re:co in Gothenburg, Sweden. His was the opening talk of the first specialty coffee symposium, co-produced by World Coffee Events, and the Specialty Coffee Associations of America and Europe. The event is "…designed for high- level discussion, leading innovation and strategy development for those passionate and influential in the world of specialty coffee." Galindo's presentation covered topics which are apropos to the recent release of new statistics from the United States Department of Agriculture on coffee production. "There is no consensus on total global coffee production." He painted a bleak picture for the majority of the world's coffee growers while laying out the case that "…smallholder farmers are going extinct." "What this means is that unless the small coffee farmer evolves into a small entrepreneur, the days of the quaint small coffee farm are numbered, or at least will remain confined to a life of poverty and deprivation," said Galindo. Galindo also provided analysis showing how trends in coffee are shifting. He cited data showing that the biggest growth rates in consump- tion are in Indonesia and the Philippines. He also pointed out that Brazil, the world's largest producer of coffee, has become the second largest consuming country. In a bid to stimulate further discussion, Galindo challenged those in attendance to re-evaluate what's meant by a word heard all too Mauricio Galindo, ICO often at trade events worldwide: "[W]hich sustainability do we mean here? The one that allowed Brazil to double its coffee production without having to increase its planted area, thanks to the increased use of technology, intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesti- cides, monoculture and no shade, or the one that advocates for bird friendly shade-grown organic coffee that often relies on new planted areas to maintain already low productivi- ties, often at the expense of primary forests?" - Jenny Neill Learn more: http://icocoffeeorg.tumblr. com/post/122163999855/ highlights-from-icos-presenta- tion-at-re-co