
Vol. 3 2015

Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/591462

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2 0 1 5 V 3 | BULLDOG | 1 5 Company: Hollywood Feed Location: Memphis, Tennessee Tagline: "A different breed" Employees: 250 Equipment: Five Mack ® Pinnacles™ Specs: Engine: MP8 with 445 HP, Safety features: Mack Road Stability Advantage system Mack dealer: Tri-State Truck Center, Memphis, Tennessee Hollywood Feed president Shawn McGhee stands on the loading deck at the company headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. Employees are encouraged to bring their dogs to work, and on an average day, there are as many as 20 dogs roaming throughout the building. In keeping with the canine theme, the word "Woof" is painted on the headquarter's door as a friendly greeting to customers.

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