
Vol. 3 2015

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2 0 1 5 V 3 | BULLDOG | 7 TRUCKERS AGREE that there is a shortage of available parking spaces, especially as afternoon stretches into evening. When it comes to asking them to pay for the privilege, however, nearly half (48.2 percent) said "no way" while the remainder were willing to pay anywhere from $1 to more than $21 per space, according to an American Transportation Research Institute survey. A related survey done by the Department of Transportation, found 37 states have a shortage of truck parking, a problem that's worse in densely populated regions and along major freight corri- dors. The worst state for trucking parking? Tiny Rhode Island, with only 31.4 spaces per 100,000 truck miles traveled. Source: American Transportation Research Institute TRENDS A roundup of the numbers that drive your business. ON-HIGHWAY Pay-to-park? A 50-50 proposition THAT'S HOW MANY real Christmas trees are sold in the U.S. every year. As the holiday season fast approaches, truckers are gearing up to haul trees to their destinations from farms in all 50 states and Canada. And Christmas trees are a truly green business: Discarded trees can be recycled at more than 4,000 tree recycling programs nationwide and for every tree harvested, one to three seedlings are planted. Merry Christmas! Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service and National Christmas Tree Association. THAT'S HOW MANY real Christmas trees are sold in the U.S. every year. As the holiday season fast approaches, truckers are gearing up to haul trees to their destinations from farms in all 50 states and Canada. And Christmas trees are a truly green business: Discarded trees can be recycled at more than 4,000 tree recycling programs nationwide and 30 million Not willing to pay at any amount $1-$5 per space $6-$10 $11-$15 $16-$20: 2.1 48.2 20 19.8 9 $21+: 0.9 KEEPING LOGBOOKS CURRENT is always important, but if your operation runs through any of these 10 states, be extra vigilant. These are the states where hours-of- service violations under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Compliance, Safety, Accountability program, were highest, according to CSA data analyzed by RigDig Business Information. All states are ranked according to the percentage of all violations that make up their total number of hours of service violations issued to drivers. SAFETY Log slog: Tell your drivers to be extra vigilant in these 10 states SAFETY KNOWING IN ADVANCE what Mother Nature might throw at you is a big help whether you're headed cross-country or out to the jobsite. Tapping an app on your smartphone is an easy way to be prepared and might help you avoid getting snowbound or rain-soaked. SAFETY Rain or shine, there's an app for that WEATHER BOOMING. That's the term many fi nancial analysts are using to describe the construction industry's rebound, with year- over-year spending in August at its strongest since 2006, residential activity up 16.4 percent, a 12.3 percent gain in nonresidential spending and hiring at pre-recession levels. And the industry currently makes up nearly 5 per- cent of the country's GDP, according to a note to cli- ents from IHS Global Insight economist Patrick Newport, making the construction sector the strongest part of the economy, many analysts say. Construction fl exes its economic muscle construction industry's rebound, with year- over-year spending in August at its strongest since 2006, residential activity up 16.4 percent, a 12.3 percent gain in nonresidential spending and hiring at pre-recession levels. And the industry currently makes up nearly 5 per- cent of the country's GDP, according to a note to cli- ents from IHS Global Insight economist Patrick Newport, making the construction sector the strongest part of the economy, many analysts say. The Weather Channel: 38.67% WeatherBug: 22% Other: 20.44% Dark Sky: 1.11% Storm Shield: 1.56% Yahoo! Weather: 3.78% Weather Underground: 12.44% Source: Overdriveonline.com 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CONSTRUCTION

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