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36 MARCH 15, 2016 Good Fruit Grower A year ago, researchers expressed optimism about the possible eradication of the spot- ted lanternfly. Their optimism was not echoed at the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conference. "USDA and the Pennsylvania Department of Agricul- ture are doing their best," Penn State University ento- mology professor Mike Saunders said at the February conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania. "But I don't think eradication is possible anymore." Movement of egg masses is the determining factor. First detected in 2014 in eastern Berks County, Pennsyl- vania, the pest entered the United States by means of egg masses attached to landscaping stone imported from South Korea. The gray egg masses were easy to miss on the gray-colored stone, and it's the movement of egg masses Hopes dim for demise of LANTERNFLY Researchers are no longer optimistic that bug first detected in 2014 can be quickly eradicated. by Dave Weinstock "One year after I watched my neighbor save most of his apple crop with Orchard-Rite ®wind machines (while I lost three quarters of mine), I decided I should do something on my farm to help ensure that I have fruit to sell every year. I purchased three Orchard-Rite ® wind machines and placed them where I had good trees but couldn't set good crops because of frost. One year the tart cherry orchard where I have a machine that covers the lower two-thirds of the orchard yielded 3 times more cherries than the one-third of the orchard that was not covered. That one machine in that one year paid for itself and half of another.We were able to raise the temperature 4 to 5 degrees (Fahrenheit). We have since added four more machines. With Orchard-Rite ® wind machines we are able to have a more consistent crop from the top of the tree to bottom every year on both apples and cherries. We are very pleased with the service we get on the wind machines. The Superior Wind Machine Service guys give them the once-over every year, keeping them in top-notch condition for the upcoming season!" -- Bob Bush Bush's Apples New Era, MI "With Orchard-Rite® wind machines we are able to have a more consistent crop from the top of the tree to bottom every year on both apples and cherries." 6919 Kra Avenue Caledonia, MI 49316 Phone: 616-971-8177 Fax: 616-971-8178 815 Wallace Way 2410 N. 4th Ave. 1155 S. Broadway 81156 Hwy 395 North Grandview, WA Pasco, WA Othello, WA Hermiston, OR 509-882-2060 509-547-1761 509-488-5623 541-567-6370 800-959-1535 800-595-1536 • Engineering & Planning • Technology Savvy • Precision Implementation • Dependable Products • Reliable Service Victor Bueno Agri NW Ranch Victor Bueno Agri NW Ranch Jon Hayter Irrigation Specialists Jon Hayter Irrigation Specialists Victor Bueno Orchard Manager Washington Fruit Agri NW Ranch "Since I became manager, this orchard has grown from 300 to 800 acres. We are constantly making changes and Irrigation Specialists is here for us with sound advice and engineering expertise. When improvements are needed on existing blocks or acreage is being replanted, I can depend on them to have solutions that will keep our orchards more e cient and cost e ective. Irrigation Specialists are available when problems arise and quick to respond."