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tobaccoasia 71 Cigarette Make- Pack Machinery Filters, Acetate, Tow From James Albert Bonsack's cigarette rolling machine, patented in 1881, to Hauni's Protos-M4 14,000 cpm, cigarette making machinery is one of the big ticket items for tobacco manufacturers worldwide. And the level of sophistication required to produce such equipment means only the top, most well-known companies in the industry are involved. Below are a select group of those companies. Hauni Maschinenbau AG Hauni is known worldwide as the top supplier of technologies and solutions for tobacco processing, filter and cigarette production. Hauni is a competent partner for its customers, wherever they are located, offering first-class service and comprehensive expertise. Hauni Maschinenbau AG Kurt-A.-Körber-Chaussee 8-32, 21033 Hamburg, Germany Tel +49 40 72 50-01; Fax +49 40 72 50-21 09 Decouflé s.a.r.l. With over 150 years of leading innovation, Decouflé has gained a reputation through its long tradition of designing and producing ciga- rette makers. The company also offers access to high technology in cigarette tube, cigarillo and cigar makers, and masters solutions for special products. Decouflé s.a.r.l. 2, Avenue du Président François Mitterrand 91385 Chilly-Mazarin Cedex, France Tel +33 169 10 70 00; Fax +33 1 69 09 61 00 Cigarette filters are one of the main components in ciga- rettes today providing a range of design options in low/ ultra low tar, charcoal, pressure drop, flavoring, slims/ultra slims, etc. HITKARI MULTIFILTERS LTD. Hitkari Multifilters Ltd is India's number one producer of top quality cigarettes filter rods – mono acetate, slim, ultra slim, flavored, and filter tips for the RYO segment HITKARI MULTIFILTERS LTD. Hitkari House, 6th & 7th floor, 284 Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India Tel : +91-22-22694051/2/3 Fax : +91-22-22694455 E-mail : Contact persons: Mr. Arun K. Hitkari, chairman & managing director; Arjun A. Hitkari, director; Ashok Bhandari, asst. general manager (commercial); Ajay Kandoth, general manager (engg. & projects); R.K. Handoo, general manager (works). Filters Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. (FILPAK) Filters Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. (FILPAK) is a leading worldwide supplier of filter rods with over 33 years of experience. With a strict adherence to quality, FILPAK maintains an ISO 9001:2000 certification and operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility with on-line quality controls as well as off-line laboratory. The in-house chemists can analyze any filter and therefore tailor-make any filter for customers. Driven by innovation and passion, FILPAK can supply a wide range of filters including mono-acetate, slims, super slims, nano, char- coal, dual, triple, recessed capsule, and non-wrapped acetate filters. Located just 17 km from international seaport and 32 km from major Asian/CIS motorways. FILPAK can effectively serve many destinations. Filters Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. (FILPAK) 6th Floor, Jason Trade Center, 39-A/1 Block-VI,P.E.C.H.S., Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi-75400, Pakistan Tel: (92.21) 3452.9141 & 42, (92.21) 3453.6202 Fax: (92.21) 34549407 & 34536237 E-mail:,