Water Well Journal

July 2016

Water Well Journal

Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/692787

Contents of this Issue


Page 50 of 87

Trust. Built over time. Built with leadership and reliability. In today's world, trust is not something that is easily earned. While pioneering ingenuity, hard work, DQGLQWHJULW\FDQVRPHWLPHVEULHÀ\JUDERXUDWWHQWLRQLWLVRQO\ZKHQWKHVHFRQWULEXWLRQVWRXVDUH repeatedly recognized that legacies of trustworthiness are established. We look back over time...we UHFRJQL]HKRZZHKDYHFRQVLVWHQWO\EHQH¿WHGIURPDSDUWLFXODUVRXUFHDQGZHWUXVWWKHP Over 70 years ago, the Square D brand set the standard for innovative, high quality water pressure switches. But the primary reason Square D became the #1 brand in the industry is because, decade after decade, that switch proved it's true worth. It did the job. Time and time and time again... With that kind of legacy, who should you trust for your water pressure switch solutions? www.tesensors.com/pressuresensors Simply easy! NSF/ANSI 61 Annex G NSF/ANSI 372

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