Equipment World

July 2016

Equipment World Digital Magazine

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Page 58 of 91 | July 2016 59 able to boost its smoothness numbers and received an increased bonus incentive. Since that time, the Missouri Department of Transportation has adopted a new smooth- ness specification going from Profile Index (PI) to the In- ternational Roughness Index (IRI), Hilton says. "Currently the majority of our pavement is placed using stringless tech- nology and we are constantly improving our results through experience and advancements in the technology," he says, continuing: "In order to stay competi- tive in a market without an abundance of work, you need to use any advantage you can achieve to stay relevant. This technology can give the con- tractor a competitive advan- tage in both cost and time on some projects." To order, call (800) 430-4540 or visit Email: Roady_EW_halfpage_EW0415.indd 1 3/25/15 8:52 AM Millstone Weber's U.S. 50 project was valued at $26.2 million and involved the construction of 6.6 miles of four lane divided highway. It involved 188,000 square yards of concrete paving. Image: ACPA

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