
August 2016

SportsTurf provides current, practical and technical content on issues relevant to sports turf managers, including facilities managers. Most readers are athletic field managers from the professional level through parks and recreation, universities.

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20 SportsTurf | August 2016 FIELD SCIENCE BY MARTIN KAUFMAN, CSFM S ustainability has become a trendy word used by the media and politicians as our society has become more familiar with terrorism, recessions, and environmentalism. I actually like this word as I feel like it embodies practices that I grew up with on the farm in the Midwest. Hard work (effort), ingenuity (recycling), coupled with science and math usually won the day. My Dad grew up on a dairy farm and earned his agronomy degree from The Ohio State University. I remember helping him plant corn and soybeans with endophyte-coated seed. Soybeans were new and no-till planting was fairly new. As I learned the basics and experienced the difference in how my Dad did things and how my Grandfather did things, I started to realize there is more than one way to do it; however some basic priorities still prevail. Here are some prioritizations I have developed as I try to share with customers some practices available for use when they choose to distribute their resources. As you may be aware there are many forms of a particular cultural practice and diversification is usually best. When it comes to building a maintenance program for your athletic field, that is soundly supported year after year, I believe these five commandments are stated in sequencing priority order, one being the most important and five being the least. All practices are important; however to maximize return on investment (ROI) the investment in the first dictates significance of ROI from the second and so on. Many times I see significant investments made in priorities four and five with a poor ROI because there is a paltry investment in priorities one, two and three. Another way to look at this recommendation may be in the form of goal setting. 1. Consistent mowing 2. Monthly aerification (any form) 3. Monthly fertilization (annual soil test) 4. Monthly consider weed/pest control 5. Consider topdressing/thatch control You may have noticed I did not mention irrigation, a specific kind of mower or aerifier nor did I mention a specific kind of fertilizer, chemical or thatch controlling device. I will use the remainder of this article to define some of the thoughts behind these prioritizations as well as define what they are intended to portray. CONSISTENT MOWING What does consistent mowing mean? Mowing no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade off, mowing often enough to keep the 1/3 rule, mowing with sharp blades at a slow enough ground speed so as to actually cut the leaf rather than tear or rip it. Mowing with four different rotating patterns. Mowing as high a height as tolerable and understanding that mowing manages sunlight and photosynthesis. To quote from the book, Sports Fields 2nd edition by James Puhalla, Jeffrey Krans, and J. Michael Goatley Jr.: "…a turf that is neglected several months at a time cannot be brought to peak playing conditions by one or two low-height mowings just before the season starts." One of the sayings I have found myself passing along is that "if we succeed or fail today it is not because we succeeded or failed today, it is because we succeeded or fail 3 to 6 months ago." So what does consistent mowing provide? Relief when things don't go as planned (skipping a mowing). Healthy turf when clean cut rather than ripped (less stress). Increased density for safety, looks, wear tolerance, and playability. Reduction in weeds, diseases, and pest problems. Increased soil microbial activity and nutrients available (soil biology and health). Survival of environmental extremes or stresses like drought, flooding, heavy traffic, constant traffic, heat or cold. MONTHLY AERIFICATION Why entertain a goal of monthly aerification? What does aerification actually do? Create pore space in the soil. Why is pore space important? A healthy soil has 50% pore space and 50% elements, plant parts and debris or organic matter; 50% of the pore space should contain water while the other 50% contains air. When traffic and standing water compact the elements, plant parts and debris or organic matter, pore space is reduced or eliminated which reduces or eliminates the field holding capacity (storage ability) for water and air. What happens when there is no water and/or oxygen in the soil? Limited or no plant respiration! What is respiration and why do we care? Respiration is conversion of carbohydrates to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). What else makes ATP? Photo- synthesis. Why are photosynthesis and respiration important? Energy conversions for energy utilization. No photosynthesis or no respiration means no energy and death will result! THE 5 COMMANDMENTS OF SUSTAINABLE SPORTS TURF MANAGEMENT

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