Good Fruit Grower

August 2016

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26 AUGUST 2016 Good Fruit Grower C oncord grape growers in western New York and Pennsylvania are dealing with a pest they thought they had rid themselves of 25 years ago. But grape rootworm is back, and its adult beetle seems to be emerging a bit earlier. Tim Weigle, New York state integrated pest manage- ment specialist and team leader of Cornell Cooperative Extension's Lake Erie Regional Grape Program, said the insect was rediscovered on grapes being grown near Westfield, New York. Most have been reported in Concord grapes since the vast majority of the region's acreage is planted to that variety. More recently, the pests are moving into other regions. "Now we're seeing some in the Finger Lakes, primarily on native varieties, though we've had some reports of them on hybrids," he said. Biology Females produce eggs three to seven days after mat- ing, from early June through late July. Egg-laying peaks late from June through late July, but can continue into September. Troublesome pest makes a comeback Thought to be eradicated years ago, grape rootworm has returned to New York and Pennsylvania vineyards. by Dave Weinstock Grapes Effective Plant Nutrients and Biopesticides ® Botector ® Blossom Protect ™ ® ® ® ORGANIC ® ORGANIC Herbicide EC ® ©2016 Meadow Creature, LLC MeadowCreature.Com ® Or Give Us a Call 360-329-2250 MAKE CIDER WITH EASE - - MEADOW CREATURE ® Commercial quality at a family price–the AVALON ®

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