Good Fruit Grower

October 2016

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10 OCTOBER 2016 Good Fruit Grower T he Washington State Tree Fruit Association Annual Meeting is just around the corner, Dec. 5-7. Most people are busily working to bring in another harvest. This time of year we see firsthand the rewards of our efforts. There is nothing like the crisp morning air and dew on the grass to focus your efforts as the harvest swings into full motion around the state. A dedicated team of professionals from across our industry is busy planning and organizing the annual meeting. As most know, this is our primary outreach and educational conference. We again will have the customary trade show in conjunction with the conference in Wenatchee. This year's theme is "Welcome to the new normal: continuous change." Our goal for the conference is to let members enjoy educational sessions that are focused on a series of themes during the conference. Another objec- tive is to highlight research that is being supported by our Washington State Tree Fruit Endowment. Organizers are putting together another exciting slate of speakers that is sure to have something for everyone. Come prepared to listen, learn and be challenged in new ways as the demand for continuous change forces us all to adapt to survive. Our keynote speaker this year will be Jim McFerson, director of Washington Good Point Why change now? The WSTFA annual meeting will focus on how continuous change forces us to adapt. by Sam Godwin Sam Godwin In so many ways, we are exposed to changing times, including with labor, food safety regulations, new genetics or changing consumer expectations, to highlight a few. All of these variables impact us. Reduce Bitter Pit Call Robert Gruschow 585 • 410 • 2665 The right nutrients at the right time •True Bio-Nutrients among smallest molecular weight •Improve the health of your trees •Increased photosynthesis •All the while improving production For three years in a row, the right products at the right time improved the health of an orchard and nearly eliminated bitter pit. A 13-acre block * delivered 15,000 bushels with the color and size of fruit exactly matching what the buyer was looking for. (*Nesbitt Fruit Farms, western New York) AVOID THE ORCHARD OF NO RETURN WITH SOIL FUMIGATION CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPLICATION: Northwest Washington: Tim Purcell 360-630-4285 Yakima Valley: Robert Rauert 509-728-2004 Columbia Basin: Jason Rainer 509-731-5424 Columbia Basin/Western Oregon: Ryan Kelsey 509-481-5998 Okanogon Valley: Adam Zediker 509-828-0691 Hood River/The Dalles: David Sbur 971-563-8848 Office 360-225-3588 Soil fumigation in replanted orchards produces earlier, bigger yields and higher profits—not just in the early years, but over the life of the orchard. Trident Agricultural Products can help you create that orchard. With 30+ years of experience, Trident is the Pacific Northwest's soil fumigation specialist. Trident offers custom application of Telone II/Chloropicrin fumigants. Applications can be made in tree fruit, hops, grapes, berries and nursery crops. Telone and Chloropicrin are federally restricted use pesticides. Telone II is a registered trademark of the Dow Chemical Company. Always read and follow label directions.

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