Aggregates Manager

January 2017

Aggregates Manager Digital Magazine

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18 AGGREGATES MANAGER / January 2017 FORECAST The percentage of respondents who increased their workforce in 2016 shrunk by more than 9 percent compared to 2015 when more than four in 10 respondents said they grew their staffing. Employment among hourly labor was the most volatile category, with 23.7 percent of respondents saying they increased staffing and 14.1 percent saying they decreased the number of employees. Worker retention was the most commonly cited major concern for survey respondents. In both the Northeast (37.5%) and West (25.8%), retaining workers was the most significant challenge. In the South, however, competition for sales (23.5%) was the highest rated concern, and in the North Central region, aggregates availability and permitting (17.1%) was the most frequently cited challenge. 2016 Work Force Trends Major Challenges Facing Aggregates Managers 2013 Competition for Sales 32.7% Availability /Permitting 22.8% Workers 5.9% 51.9% 31.1% 17.0% Decreased: Decreased: Increased: Increased: Stayed the same: Stayed the same: Stayed Compliance 20.8% Regulatory Fines 8.9% Availability 5.9% Relations 2.0% Safety 1.0% Environmental issues * 2014 Competition for Sales 13.7% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 17.7% Retaining Workers 17.7% Regulatory Compliance 15.3% Regulatory Fines 9.7% Water Availability 6.5% Community Relations 4.8% Safety 1.6% Environmental issues * 8.9% 2015 Competition for Sales 15.7% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 20.4% Retaining Workers 16.7% Regulatory Compliance 15.7% Regulatory Fines 6.5% Water Availability 2.8% Community Relations 4.6% Safety 2.8% Environmental issues * 10.2% 2016 Competition for Sales 17.0% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 17.0% Retaining Workers 19.3% Regulatory Compliance 14.1% Regulatory Fines 5.9% Water Availability 5.2% Community Relations 4.4% Safety 3.0% Environmental issues * 7.4% 2013 Competition for Sales 32.7% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 22.8% Retaining Workers 5.9% 51.9% 31.1% 17.0% Regulatory Compliance 20.8% Regulatory Fines 8.9% Water Availability 5.9% Community Relations 2.0% Safety 1.0% Environmental issues * – 2014 Competition for Sales 13.7% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 17.7% Retaining Workers 17.7% Regulatory Compliance 15.3% Regulatory Fines 9.7% Water Availability 6.5% Community Relations 4.8% Safety 1.6% Environmental issues * 8.9% 2015 Competition for Sales 15.7% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 20.4% Retaining Workers 16.7% Regulatory Compliance 15.7% Regulatory Fines 6.5% Water Availability 2.8% Community Relations 4.6% Safety 2.8% Environmental issues * 10.2% 2016 Competition for Sales 17.0% Aggregates Availability /Permitting 17.0% Retaining Workers 19.3% Regulatory Compliance 14.1% Regulatory Fines 5.9% Water Availability 5.2% Community Relations 4.4% Safety 3.0% Environmental issues * 7.4% Source: Aggregates Manager Forecast Studies *Category added in 2014. Source: Aggregates Manager Forecast Studies

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