Optimal Health - English


Issue link: http://read.dmtmag.com/i/79352

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Page 5 of 95

NATURAL NUTRIENTS FROM PLANTS SET NUTRILITE SUPPLEMENTS APART. NUTRILITE® supplements contain a wide array of phytonutrients – the natural nutrients found in plants. Worldwide research has now recognized that a diet rich in phytonutrients can lead to optimal health. Phytonutrients have been the cornerstone of NUTRILITE products for over 75 years – setting us apart from other makers of dietary supplements. At Nutrilite, we believe you should be getting phytonutrients from all five color categories: Red, Yellow and Orange, Green, Blue and Purple, and White. Eating a wide range of whole foods from each color category provides broad antioxidant protection and many health benefits. NUTRILITE supplements can help you fill in the gap between the fruits and veggies you actually eat and what your body really needs. Visit Nutrilite.com/color for additional phytonutrient information and to get your personalized phytonutrient snapshot to see where the phytonutrient gaps are in your diet. 6 OPTIMAL HEALTH

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